Call me "commander" one more time

All right so here’s the basis of it, I main a rogue, and it always really bothered me when I got titled by game characters, and I’ve seen in the past this has been big complaint. But i haven’t seen anyone come up with any ideas to solve it.

So im hopeing to create some constructive feed back around the topic,

Ill go first, perhaps a system where you choose a title from a few archetypes

This adds 16 voice acted lines so not a lot.

Since the launch of WoD I sincerely miss just being a nameless adventurer, that was a lot of the allure for me. I never aspired to being Commander of the forces, leader of my class, etc. Just an adventurer doing their part to help out, questing and exploring along the way

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This is a very good point. I don’t feel the same way but I can relate to that feeling. Unfortunately creating the narrative for the game is a daunting task as it is, and having two different paths where the character chooses to be “important” or “not important” (emphasis on the quotes here, since it’s not a matter of importance) would create much more trouble than not doing that.

Which actually informs the reason why the character is called by generic words (“Hero”, “Adventurer”, etc): I don’t think it’s technically possible to actually use a toon’s name in the voice lines. Yet.

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Na what im saying to give the player the choice of which of moniker to be called, example id prefer to just be called adventure, or rogue