Calia Menethil proves Forsaken Paladins should be added

Calia becoming a lightforged undead now proves that the light will not destroy undead, and can actually empower them. We need to give a new class to the Forsaken, and what better class than paladin?

Every single argument against their existence was ended with Before the Storm (thanks Golden <3) and now we need Forsaken to wield the Light and use it for their own purposes. A reminder that the Light is also not a force purely used for good, the Scarlet Crusade proves this.

To those still against it, give ONE reason why Forsaken shouldn’t be able to be paladins. You can’t.


If Forsaken become Paladins Blizzard will get all the money from me doing race changes.


Calia was raised by the Light through two priests and a naaru. It didn’t destroy her because necromancy and shadow magic was never used on her to begin with. Totally different process. Unlike every other normal undead, which the Light is still very harmful to.


What happens if a Naaru tries to Lightforge the Forsaken?
I mean, is it that crazy an idea?
They lightforged a friggin’ Netherezim, nothing is too out there on that front.


Horde gets Vulpera and Lightbound Undead.

Alliance gets Mechagnomes and Sethrak/Ankoan.

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Fixed 10 chars

Why would the Mechagnomes be Neutral? Also, no more elves. We have enough of the swine.


Right. Lightforging Forsaken would probably require a total reversal of their existing form of undeath (which is an amalgamation of curse, magic, and disease), which as far we know isn’t possible and even if it were, who knows if their soul would remain intact through the process.

My guess is that higher-grade undead like Death Knights might survive, but for bog standard Forsaken the chances are slim. Honestly the Forsaken’s best bet would be for the tauren to make good on their promise to find a cure for undeath, as much as Sylvanas would hate it.


Technically speaking, no. Calia was raised in a different manner than the Forsaken, and does not carry the taint of Shadow.

It’s the taint of Shadow that causes the undead to be harmed/repelled by the Light. There is no known method of removing that taint, at this time. Calia simply never had that taint at all.


Why would they be Alliance?
We both helped them, and they seem to get along with the Goblins (Who in turn REALLY seem to like them back.).

As for Elves, Night Elf Worgen would be more Wolf People then Elf.
Also I raise Druid of the Flames, because they are cool.

I guess Fizzle and Pozzik’s speedbarge means Gnomes should be Neutral.


Lol no. Calia is a lightforged undead, a forsaken bathed in light. A normal forsaken is just a zombie with their memories.

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To raise a counter-point. The mechagnomes are probably only working with the Goblin’s because they’re willing to help defeat Mechagon(so they can profit off stealing Mechagonian designs).

If Bondo’s dialogue is anything to go off, Mechagnomes don’t think highly of them in general. The only ones hanging around them are explicitly named Ambassador.

I’m sure the moment Erazmin learns of Sylvanas, and what the goblins are really there for. They’ll be lucky to escape on a leaky submarine.



Who said we need this?

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To be honest,from my opinion,this has gone too far that the story playing out between the light and dead has no real rules of laws that it’s boundaries are now unclear makes no sense.I true master piece of sense of a trash story.Now ,it causes people to wonder why this story even has life to breath.

Calia just made it where anything goes.Lightforged undead really fine for the story ,hopefully limited to just one person not a complete class ,like paladins.

More like Horde get Vulpera and Kelfins (Unshackled) and Alliance get JUnker Gnomes and Ankoan.

I don’t see Sethrak going Alliance . Both sides did quests and wqs with them and and none of the rep went towards them . Horde quests went towards possible vulpera and the quests Alliance did with the Sethrak has already gone towards an Allied race . Dark Irons

or neutered

You do realize that she is an undead forged by the light and not by the scourge magic like the playable Forsaken, right? They are both undead, but they are not the same “race” nor empowered by the same source of power.

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Once the Forsaken have welcomed her as their Queen, I am confident that her advisor, Alonsus Faol, will share his teachings with them. Undead himself, he is the Priest who created paladins to begin with.

Might as well give up that thought because Night Elves can’t be paladins but Delas Moonfang can be a follower for the class in Legion

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