Calia is Queen now apparently

Calia is my queen and none of you can convince me otherwise. Your cries fall upon deaf ears for Calia is the true heir to lordaeron.

Not like the council is any better lolol


She is the last in the Menethil line (that we know of atm)

She is publicly accepted as nobility by both the horde and alliance.

She wields her title with authority that is respected and followed.

Seems like queen (of Lordaeron) is an appropriate title to me.

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Queen of the former Kingdom of Lordearon by noble birthright, but not queen of the Forsaken

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Because it’s not, Shandris is filling in for her adopted mother, who is not even a Queen. Tyrande is high priestess of Elune.

That would be like saying Native Americans who died and were risen are somehow colonizing their own land. But you know big political word so +1 for using it in wow I guess.

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She actually does do things to help them, through Alonsus and the Priesthood. She just does them in secret, as she is hiding from would be killers, and she is afraid of what her name would bring about.

Albeit as I’ve said before, this should really be explained in game, and not just in the books.

You don’t realize how modern Monarchies work, do you? Most of them, retain thier title, and their lands. They also get like 1 representative on the Political Council (if at all). With a council being the democratic government of the people.

Calia never gives up her right as a Queen. All she does, is say that she likes and respects the Council. She has no intentions on replacing it, and just wants to be apart of the council to help the people of Lorderon.

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This threads has a lot of posts from people ignoring the fact that there have been many forms of monarchy and inheritance.


Actually you’re wrong here.

In that analogy it would be like a tribe of Algonquian natives were killed, and raised into undeath. So they go back to live in thier lands, as it was THEIR land before they died.

But then you’re trying to say that Wahunsenaca no longer is the owner of that land. When he was the King analog for that tribe of people.

For reference Wahunsenaca is also known as Chief Powhatan, the real life father of who we know today as Pocahontas.

If the people retain ownership of the land that was there, so too then does thier Chief/King/Queen.

You don’t get to be like “the dead get to keep thier lands” but then turn around somehow say that “BUT THIS DEAD here, they don’t”.

That’s hypocritical, and not how things work at all. That’s also not how simple logic works.


lmao that’s a lot of writing to be wrong about Forsaken owning Lordaeron

Says the person to tried to prove some falsehood delusion, by appropriating Native Americans as if their struggles are some kind of trump card.

Acting like only the People should retain ownership still in death, but not the actual owner of said laid. Is literally a form of essential colonization that you are promoting.

But since there is no universe in which you can accept the fact that you’re being hypocritical and objectively wrong. Both from an actual logic standpoint, and from the stand-point of the in-universe lore.

You’re instead just spiraling and doing whatever you can like some redditor that thinks they are properly uno-reverse carding people.

It’s sad, pathetic, and a misuse of Native American struggles in a very distasteful way on your end.


You’re the queen? Well I didn’t vote for you.

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Why do you have to drag me into this :wink:

The interesting part of being a monarch, no one votes on it.


Do we? uck…no thank you.
No to dictator wannabes as well.


Monarchies are a stable for Fantasy, espeacially HIGH Fantasy which WoW is.

Also, not all Monarchies even have political power, most Monarchies in today’s society actually just gives the royal family 1 seat in government if that, and they’re mainly a Figurehead to pay homage to history. Plus most of those families still legally own most of the country they exist in.

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Yeah, there you go, it’s not that Lordaeron practiced Salic law, it’s that they used Ultimogeniture, instead, and nobody ever told us. :rofl:

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Yeah, sure, that must be it.

Was still Ner’zhul at the time.

You mean the nobles like Rivendare and the Barovs? His loyal Death Knights? Or perhaps you meant the royal guardsmen who likely also would have been titled nobility, like… Falric and Marwyn for example…

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That sounds like a troll response.

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I always found it odd, how Sylvanas…a high elf who had sworn undying loyalty to her people, just abandoned them in favor of some random Lordaeron undead humans and the Forsaken just went “lolkay” and accepted her as their queen.

Before anyone says anything, yes I do know it was all just survival tactics after she was free from Arthas’s mind control but it was still such an oddly written circumstance all things considered