Calia is awful

Please don’t give that dumb character leadership of the Forsaken, she has done nothing to deserve it, Derek too, no thank you.

Seeing the Forsaken lose their edge, much like the Blood Elves have, would be really depressing to see.


Don’t blame the character for the writing, it’s not fair on Calia.


She’s getting it because the title and throne is literally her inheritance.

Nothing new.

Contrary to all you haters, this is acceptable writing.


Agreed. Who even is she?

If you have to read tenuously canon novels to understand a character’s introduction to a video game then they’re a bad character.


Uh, no.

Lordaeron, the monarchy she had a claim to, is long gone.

She has no claim to the throne, sorry.


Says who?

All those dead Forsaken still are Lordaeron, if they hand it to her so be it.


She doesn’t, but the people of Lordaeron remember and love her even after all these years.

As was shown in Before the Storm.


Says common logic, you can’t claim a kingdom just because it was built on the ruins of your own.

Sadly, you are probably right in that the Forsaken will be written to totally be all for this nonsense.


The Forsaken have been literally written as drooling boot lickers for a damn woman who would trade em all for the next warm meal.

How is this ANY different?


The person who single-handedly liberated them from the Lich king, or raised them from the dead has more of a reason to be shown this blind loyalty than a total stranger who has not been there at all for any struggle they’ve endured for the past decade.

What about the Grand Apothecary? What about the myriad of other potential candidates?


Could you imagine wanting the sibling of the ruthless murderer who turned you into an abomination the consequences of that being eternal suffering and the hatred of all mortal races, to be the ruler of your entire people. The Menethil name should make Forsaken throw their jaws into the bubbling bile that is Undercity in disgust.


Yup, and she just called them all nothing once she found a way out.

Perhaps the Forsaken are growing a brain and will accept someone who actually likes them for once?


I’m not defending Sylvanas, but there was nobody else? Nobody that would make more sense?

I don’t buy it, I don’t like it, and if I still played a Forsaken, I’d probably unsub.


I’m getting really tired of this “I’m going to unsub because the lore isn’t going the way I want” nonsense.

It’s such a hollow threat.


Ahh, but some of the reason the forsaken fight is to keep their land in lordaeron. At least before BFA when Sylvanas went bio/chem warfare happy so now no one can use the area.

Also PC made forsake are former lordaeron citizens. their graves dug up are literally right there. Haters can have some room to play here when…they expand this and let you pick the undead you want to be.

Me I’d take a non lycanthrope gilnean or skinny kt forsaken if offered. they have the more british accents vice humans which have the American one. I am a sucker for foreign accent. But this would spice up the forsaken.

And in your case make the forsaken not mostly manned by former residents of lordaeron.

Calia would be in charge of former lordaeron citizens turned. So it makes sense.

Not unlike genn in charge of gilneans when gilneas is a toxic waste dump so…yeah they have no land now themselves. the gilneans didn’t go so…we don’t have land so you aren’t our king anymore so yeah, go screw yourself ima do my own thing.

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We don’t know the full story yet, but there is a voice line in the new PTR that seems addressed to Sylvannas being corrupted by Nzoth.
Also, you play a void elf and you are claiming that Calia deserving the throne is good writing, like come on… really?


I’m not disputing that, but the idea that Calia can just waltz in and claim leadership, despite having had nothing to do with the Forsaken at all since they reclaimed the land and actually getting it with unanimous praise is GARBAGE writing.

Nobody else is trying to fill the void? Nobody else with some clout with the people, that would like to fill the power vacuum? We’re just giving it to Calia, and a random loser we grabbed from the ocean a few months ago?


Yeah-- don’t blame the characters. Blame the Writers.


So, Horde gets a Council style government, AND we get sexy mommy Calia as a bonus? Along with a bunch of little foxes? Sweet…


I’m blaming the character, as her entire character is garbage. Even in before the storm, I thought she was terrible. In Legion, she did nothing. I don’t know about her presence before that.