Hard agree with you OP.
I think what made Sylvanas such a good leader to the Forsaken is that she truely resonated with the Forsaken.
Forsaken in the novel were fundamentally more group-identity focused and ‘eviller’ than the game portrays them.
The only parts which faithfully represent this IG are the introductory area up till Silverpine where you see somethings that might feel alarming from any other races PoV (willing torture, killing Hillsbrad refugees to convert them, resurrection of the unwilling). In Before the storm Sylvanas organisation of the gathering is to ultimately create a ruse to lure and kill Anduin.
Post BfA events Sylvanas aligned forsaken are eventually forgiven but identify exploration and shift on the whole to liking Calia when for ages they have had an identity surrounding Sylvanas felt very weak. I could see her lead the resurrected Nelves and alliance undead but it is a much stronger theme for the Forsaken to stand for their own.
The forsaken council quest (for dark ranger features for elves) which you take in I’m 100 on board with the mohawk guy who is skeptical of Calia.
I would like at some point the forsaken to return to what they were rather than have a council.
There are enough ‘councils’ in the game. End Calia