Somewhat off topic, but what prompts do you use to get it to limit itself to just those games/expansions?
I literally just told it at the beginning to only use the lore as it was known in Wc3 and to only reference stuff from later if I do it first. That way I’ve been able to help it build out a completely alternate timeline, but still maintain certain things I like from vanilla, Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King.
In terms of period, it takes place around the time vanilla WoW begins, a few years after the Third War. So it’s usually pretty easy to keep things consistent without running into the Jailer or any other BS.
It’s the Gilnean theme. Just how like most Eredar are demons, most worgen are murderous monsters. The player Worgen’s animal side i balanced and ept in check by their Ginean side.
Neither are you, so this point is utterly meaningless.
Irrelevant and not what we’re talking about.
I believe the question was about Worgen fans. I think it’s obvious the implication here is that we’re talking about the people who DO care about the story, races, and the world, not just the average casual who doesn’t even know who Tess is.
As to your “point” that most people probably don’t care in general, allow me to quote a well-respected scholar on these forums:
Never said I was. But the point still stands, this controversy will blow over with the next patch. Grumbling about Tess will die down and most people will probably just remember that 2) The worgens got their home again. 2) Tess had a nice heart to heart cinematic with her dad.
And now they do. In fact, this quest basically solidify who Tess to well, everyone who is playing Dragonflight. Every popular character in WoW was s nobody until Blizzard decided to give them time to shine.
Ultimately Blizzard will do what they think best for their story regardless of what we think and regardless of any controversy.
This doesn’t in any way counter anything I said or address your obvious contradiction about assuming what “most” people want, but okay.
I personally don’t mind Tess being human. Gilneans are a complex people, with a strong theme of being torn between worgen and human. Man and beast, a truly two-faced people.
Genn was the Old Wolf, Tess is fine in my eyes to represent the human side of the race.
Besides, Genn will probably stay in Stormwind in his advisor role, fighting the world threats while Tess stays home and rebuilds the kingdom. We worgen will still be represented by Genn in the story, cinematics and such. Tess will squat in Gilneas for a decade or two.
I don’t play Horde, so I don’t have an opinion about Calia or Voss.
This is honestly it. Pretty sure Genn will have a significant role in the saga to help Anduin. Probably even die for him at some point if the tropes get fulfilled.
The people we can’t canonically play as XD
Like, I get your point about their dual nature in lore, but I think the leader of the race called “Worgen”, played by people who like Worgen, should probably be a Worgen.
It’s even worse because while Calia might be light-based undead, she is still undead. Tess isn’t a Worgen in any sense lmao
No Tess is not worse in terms of representativeness than Calia let’s not do that
I have never heard anyone use this argument when it was Sylvanas’ leading the forsaken. Or does she get a pass because she was the hot undead elf while the playable character had to be an undead human?
We gave Moira leading the Dark Irons
Gelbin leading the Mechagnomes
Jaina leading the Kul Tirans
We have Turalyon leading Stormwind
The leaders of the playable races do not necessarily have to be the same as the playable one.
I don’t think one’s worse than the other since they’re both pretty bad. Unless blizz does plan on continuing to use Genn as the face of the worgen, which I don’t think anyone would have a issue with that.
I just wish they would build up Darius and Ivar more, so we had replacements should the day come when Genn is no longer in the story, so we still had some worgen representation
Because Sylavanas embodied what it meant to be a forsaken. It’s why no one complained. Tess, while I don’t have a personal issue with her, doesn’t represent the worgen, Which is fine, she can represent the human side of things.
But we do need a worgen to represent the worgen side of things, preferably having Darius or Ivar being built up more as a backup should blizz stop using Genn someday
… be careful what you wish for. Not only could they destroy the characters, but they might make you buy the book rather than play the bloody game…
True about ruining their characters, but the books I don’t mind since I love to read, so it’s a win for me on that front
Yeah… I love to read as well. Just not happy that character and plot relevant information is in a book instead of the game.
That’s certaintly a fair complaint. But I also understand why Blizz and other companies do it. It’s a MMO, and at the end of the day, the story is only one of many facets of a MMO and they aren’t going to dedicate putting a novels worth of information into the game that most people are either not going to read or briefly skim over.
Please she only embodied herself and her own personal trauma. If anything she made a cult that the Forsaken are now finally freeing themselves.
At the moment we don’t need that because Genn is still part of the story and will likely get a greater focus in the coming expansions considering he will be helping Anduin.
I half expect she will just marry a worgen. Tobias Mistmantle still being my bet. A worgen male and a female human leading Gilneas? Seems fitting.
I know we don’t need it now, but doesn’t mean that the other worgen can’t be more involved in the story and they need fleshing out anyway, so why not include them alongside Genn? Where’s the harm in that?
Tobias is a good choice, he’s a good dude who who means well. Is he a noble though? I forget. But I can see Tess marrying a non noble, she always did things her own way