<Calamity> Barthilas - 6/9M ATDH LF Heals/DPS

Who We Are
Calamity is a vibrant and emerging guild with a focus on building a community of like-minded, mature players interested in pushing Cutting Edge each season. We are currently aiming to solidify our roster moving into TWW.

Raid Progression

  • VOTI - 7/8M
  • ATSC - 7/9M
  • ATDM - 6/9M

Raid Schedule
Wednesday : 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM (Server Time)
Thursday : 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM (Server Time)
Optional alt raids are held on Monday 7:30 PM (Server Time)

What We Offer
A welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. A team of dedicated players who have been nurturing a supportive gaming environment. Constructive feedback and open dialogue.

Recruitment Status
We are currently on the look out for experienced and enthusiastic players looking to become a part of our core raid team moving into TWW.

We are currently looking for

  • Healers - (High priority - pref Hpal/Rdruid)
  • DPS - Any exceptional players (High priority - Mage/Enh Shaman)

How to Apply
Please direct your applications and any queries you may have to our recruitment officers on the World of Warcraft forums.
Add Nora#11611 on bnet for more details :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: Still looking for more dps and a healer.

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Still looking to recruit Healers + RDPS going into 10.2 :slight_smile:

bumping post

bump - LF tank for mythic prog

Sent a bnet request

Hey, sorry by the looks of it i haven’t received an add, maybe try again :slight_smile:

I tried sending again but if it didn’t go through do you have a discord I can add?

Bump - LF DPS!

Bump - looking for solid DPS/Healer Players

Hi, 3/9M rogue keen on trialing. I have added Nora on Bnet. last teir I was 8/9M and got MSark to 8%. Look forward to hearing from you. my Btag is TheNui#1134 if my add hasnt come through.

Bump - LF RDPS/ Healer (pref Hpal)

bump. nora is really cute.

bump nora is FUGLY