Caging Battle Pets

Hey so I’m trying to cage a battle pet I just caught for a friend, but when I right click the pet there’s no option for caging it. Help xD

Some pets aren’t able to be caged. Which pet are you trying to trade?

Some pets can’t be caged.

Not all pets are cageable

Unborn Val’kyr

Some cages can’t be petted.


“rare pets” (usually from drop) can mainly be caged. pets caught in the world cannot be caged.


Why tho lol…

The only way to find Unborn Val’kyr is in the wild, and you can’t trade wild pets. Sorry. :frowning:

Thats kinda dumb lol…

not at all

if wild pets were cageable, most players would never have a shot at getting some of the more rare spawns, because farmers would snap them up to sell.


(looks at minfernal)


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Thank you so very much for bringing back that trauma. [insert profanity of your choice here] Minfernal [insert more profanity]!


Wild battle pets you tame can not be put into cages…

Pets you collect in the wild cannot be caged