Bwonsamdi is based off of Baron Samedi who is married to Maman Brigitte a Goddess of death that originated in Ireland and prefers the dead over that of the living and helps lost souls/ spirits that are trapped, to find their way. (based off of, not exactly like.)
Ok so The Winter Queen does all this, her zone is steeped in Irish mythology.(we don’t know what the Winter queen is like in private, but every vender sells booze and I keep finding a awful lot a flute player’s mysteriously trapped in the maw.)
Bwonsamdi has a “man cave” in her zone and is allowed to hide a bunch of troll souls hidden. (in a drought when they need souls) The Winter queen is obviously “the boss” his boss. However if she was really the boss wouldn’t he use the term “the queen, or her majesty. “The Boss” sounds like a jesting term a husband would use when referring to his wife.
In the novels Bwonsamdi says this to Talanji.
“Sh-hh. Ya not listening, child. Ya only hearin’ what you want to. There is a harmony to things. A way and a flow. Ancient ones, spirits, loa… In time, we, too, must embrace the end, the long, deep slumber. And without us? Eh, our followers find strength in other things, in themselves, or new beliefs. They grieve, they grow—just like you. And when the veil of dreaming lifts, the eternal and great beings climb on the wheel once more, bound to it, and slowly, ever so slowly, the wheel spins. In that way, the ancient and powerful things of this world are eternal, ya majesty.”
This sounds like he chills with the Winter Queen a lot and is familiar with the long slumber.
In “the other side” dungeon upon seeing the Manastorm couple make up he gets soft and talks about true love. And about having his fair share back in his day. Then correcting himself by adding the word “more then his fair share”.
For some reason I think the further in we get the more will be revealed on this… What do you guys think? Is Bwondamdi married to the Winter Queen?