Not far fetched to think Blizzard could be bought out by Microsoft as well. FFXIV is also on PS4 right? They could get WoW on the Xbox X series. And have a competitive MMO against Sony. Not that I would want to see WoW in Microsofts hands but ah well.
How would they kill Bethesda? They’re already known for releasing almost blizzard-level buggy games, and one of their main franchises is already a pale imitation of what it was before Bethesda acquired it. How could it get worse? Will they not release Skyrim again?
They also own:
Double Fine
Better yet, free developers from the whims of publishers before they market crash the industry again.
Your reality stone is broken.
Skype is not dead. In fact, is used widely in enterprise. 5 out of the 7 days a week I still must use it.
Your observation on Mojang is short sided. Mojang has grown and added staff. They have solidified Minecraft on ALL platforms. The releases that do come out are extraordinarily strong and feature filled.
I understand you must hate Microsoft. But let’s be realistic. You are spewing debunked information.
Even Fallout: 76 has a core fanbase. I’d imagine Microsoft will alienate them by trying to appeal to a bigger audience that Fallout never appealed to anyways. We don’t need anymore Skyrims re-releases but I’m sure the new Elder Scrolls will be as bad as Fallout 4.
They are known for… Psychonauts and that alone? I don’t remember the last decent game they have released.
Rare and 343 are exceptions, but they’ve also been acquired by Microsoft for a very long time now. I was moreso speaking of recent acquisitions.
That’s exactly how Bethesda handled fallout. I fail to see how they could do it more injustice after Fallout 3
The future is now old man. Skype used to be the go-to for EVERYBODY. It’s still used by some businesses but a lot of businesses have gone to Zoom.
The growth of a company isn’t always good for the consumer. The updates to their games are mediocre at best and far less frequent than they used to be. Minecraft Dungeons released and… where did it go? It went as quickly as it came.
I don’t hate Microsoft, I’ve owned every Xbox they’ve produced and I adore Sea of Thieves, but to say that they have not had a negative impact on Mojang and Skype is just incorrect.
Even the Xbox is going downhill. The Xbox One’s interface was a disastrous mess; the console was essentially an enhanced Netflix machine. They are losing out on plenty of exclusives and the general consensus has been that PS5 is winning. I’ve not owned a Playstation system since the PS2 so I have no inherent bias towards the PS5. Just look at the exclusives and you’ll see which one is winning out. Xbox gets Halo and PS5 gets Ratchet and Clank, Spider-Man, God of War, and plenty that have yet to be announced.
Activision bought the publishing Company. Anyone thinking they’d magically go back to a ‘when it’s ready, it’ll be released’ motto is just naïve. Gaming companies mostly all squeeze the most out of their developers because it’s about churning out games to stay relevant and yes, money talks.
If Amazon could leverage its cloud for Blizzard games maybe it could make sense but they’d still be buying ip that hasn’t shown much growth in recent years.
Its a market they want in on and are not having much success with on their own…
I’m pretty sure blizzard doesn’t exist anymore. There’s probably more chance of microsoft or amazon buying out activision.
Another company that helps a few enrich themselves while underling employees suffer is hardly worth supporting.