Aahaha you literally told others to go play private servers if they didn’t want more boosts.
Over react much?
Aahaha you literally told others to go play private servers if they didn’t want more boosts.
Over react much?
Please show me where I said that.
My bad you said Classic, not private servers.
But the point is the same, go play a different server. When you’re the one demanding changes.
Then you finally say “Ohh I’ll wait for LK” lol
Well you guys are bothered by boosters and want to level in Azeroth. Just makes more sense to play on the classic servers and let people that want to play tbc play tbc.
I wasn’t ordering anybody to do anything. I’m being very patient and diplomatic here but you and the dk keep raging at me for asking about a second boost.
I’ve been treating you both like normal human beings but every response you direct at me is like something a elementary school kid would say on the playground.
Honestly I doubt there is any real discussion to be had with you, and you’re just going to pop back with another snarky retort. So I think I’m just going to have to add you to the list.
You could fall off a cliff and I wouldn’t bat an eye, boosters are bad for the game
i would buy more boosts
blizz take the free money
I keep getting replies but every time I check it just says
Lol that’s all the re-release of Classic and TBC is people being boosted from 1 to 70
Paying to skip the game.
But these are the customers Activi$ion loves.
A sad but true story
That’s okay babygirl, the non snowflakes on this thread are laughing at you
The self confessed pay2win whale with another troll post.
Any new material?
This is a BAU trolling tactic.
Pretend you’ve been taking the highroad after losing a debate.
Add me to the list please <3
No trolling here I actually want to be able to buy more that one boost for TBCC and I’m hoping I do not have to wait until the wrath re-release for it to happen but guess time will tell
Goodluck I guess mr booster lol
I wish you could boost less than one.
If it were up to me, this is the last thing imaginable I would have sold. The company would have to be burning down before I resorted to it. I would have sold name changes, face changes, race changes, pets, more than 1 mount (wtb turtle btw), and yes, tokens. Practically anything would be more ideal to sell than a damn instant level up.
I personally don’t see they difference between paying in-game gold to have chars boosted 1-70 that people probably bought with irl money from 3rd party sites opposed from buying a 58 boost from blizzard
You should see plenty of differences as they are NOTHING alike.
Yep 100% agree.
They literally added the worst possible microtransaction straight off the bat. Fully undermined and destroyed the integrity of the game.
can you explain it to me then