Buy more 58 boosts

yeah please

Not as rustled as your jimmies.

Just checked. My jimmies are nice and comfy.


You being here proves otherwise.

Imagine thinking I’m mad because you called me a zoomer, when you reeee’d out on me for not refraining from using “smoothbrain”, and then got more mad when I mocked you.

lol keep trying you 52 year old discount guy fieri

Calling others smoothbrained and does not even know you capitalize proper names…

Yeah, you go boy!

Implying I care.

Really reaching for low hanging fruit.

What was that about not having rustled jimmies?

LOL! Again, it is too easy. Your display of intellect has been astounding.

You enjoy yourself, ok? I have to go have a conversation with a brick wall now. It will be more stimulating.

“People Who Boast About Their IQ Are Losers” - Hawking 2004. I get you said intellect, but it’s the same premise.

Nice boomer sentences. I see this when my grandma argues with other boomers on facebook.

Really showing your age. I get why you’re on the forums now with over 1600 posts, your old man APM can’t keep up with pve or pvp at this point, so your last bastion of wow is here.

Kind of sad really.

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What’s a zoomer

Edit: googled it. Weird that I get lumped in with them all the time

And your the edgy emo kid no one likes ?

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Yes. That’s exactly what I’m comparing. Just change the rallying cry to #somechanges. Or at least just say “I’m against some changes but I’m for changes that make the game easier for me”

Nah I didnt buy a boost but strange suggestion. So you think everyone complaining about boosts actually bought a boost themselves? Crazy

Not everyone. But i’d wager more than half. Would be nice if Blizz released the numbers. I’m willing to bet that 70% of those paladins you see running around in BC weren’t there in Classic.

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As much as I would like to boost another character, I realize quickly it will be too much a detriment to the game and my wallet.

Some players enjoy leveling. And a lot of the game’s content comes with leveling. Levelers help stock the auction houses with ores, herbs, and cloths useful for max-level players to level new professions.

After leveling 90 plus toons om retail alone, yah sick af of leveling


yes please

Don’t you realize that a large group of players already leveled many toons to when the game was new and don’t want to do it again? If all the players leave, WOW ends.

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Don’t YOU understand that you sound entitled and that you do not get to destroy a game because you are too lazy to play it. If you can’t play the game, you shouldn’t play the game.

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leveling in classic azeroth is a awful did it twice back in classic re-release and wont be doing it again so if more boosts come ill buy them to skip azeroth leveling or if more buyable boosts do not come guess ill do what everyone else does and get mage boosted to 58

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Yeah guys come on. This game will LITERALLY BE DESTROYED if you don’t level from 1-58. SERIOUSLY THE GAME WILL CATCH ON FIRE AND BLIZZARD WILL GO BANKRUPT. It’s true. My friend bought a boost and the next day his parents died. Save a life and level a toon guys.