But you didn’t touch Ench spec

Are you saying that the vast majority of enhancement players are in arenas because they love the spec and you only happen to run into 3 enhancement players outside of any arenas and they all also really enjoy the spec?

Just say what you wanna say, my dude! I can’t even tell what part of your story is supposed to be sarcastic or if any of it is :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Enhancement is decent in arena with teammates who have your back. That’s why they still exist in arena.

Outside arena, you’d be lucky to see 3 enhancement shaman total in a few hours of doing any other form of pvp. I see more hunters / paladins in one random BG than an entire days worth of enhancement shamans. Same with Blitz Brawl.

Because they’re the most popular classes for various reasons. One major reason being ease to play, good design, etc. Obviously there can be other reasons for a class being popular that would go against it. You could have a class that is poorly designed and hard to play, but if its grossly overpowered it will also likely be popular despite that.

Okay so what? Why are they popular?

I can also say the same thing about warriors, priests, etc…

I see more of them in one or two bgs than an entire days worth of enhancement shamans. I’m not going to regurgitate all the reasons why again. But the main culprit is the excessive global cooldown nonsense for a melee toon. It makes the class feel clunky. And on top of that the class is a bit more complex but doesn’t offer any extra benefits for the complexity. Reward that complexity with more damage or more defense.

But the devs think everything is fine…


One other comment. Casters work well with the global cooldowns because by the time their cast is done, so is the global cooldown. So they can cast again. That doesn’t work well with melee toons like enhancement who have a global cooldown for literally every ability other than maybe their one big defense ability.

Lol I am agreeing with you and your observations. I’m simply giving some additional context. Not everything can be boiled to a class’ poor design or effectiveness. A class can be more popular simply based on lore, fantasy, transmogs, flashiness of a spell, etc.

In Enhancement’s case its as you said, poor design and effectiveness.


Yes look at the warlock community look at how much they gripe moan and compline about everything and they get the changes they wanted. We do not do half of what they do.

But Warlocks have always been one of blizzards favs where as we have been what feels like the hated class

I do agree but a those calling for a complete rework no not needed. Our talent trees needs to be looked at and a lot of options can be baked into each other. Also how they treat totems needs to be looked at either make them passive(like mana spring in enhance tree) or make them droppable but something needs to happen with em.

There is some tuning that needs to be done but not a full rework.

They don’t care about pvp at all. There is no meaningful investment into it. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. They don’t invest, player count in pvp goes down. They are busy making Plunderstorm the future of PvP and are focusing on mythic+ and raids. I wouldn’t expect much.

if they dont care about pvp then remove it from the game.

if pvp is still there , then do something.

Even if its 10% of community that does PvP , 10% of the WoW money is a lot of MILLION

We deserve those fixes.

Where is the money

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Blizzard’s plan is working. With all of our salty tears fueling the forums and abundance of negativity towards the Dev team in what they do and how they treat our class. I think they’re trying to create a new spec called DARK SHAMAN.


Wasn’t the first lich king an orc shaman?

Guess we can play frost DK and finally get 2h dark shaman build.

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Lets just take Flurry out of the ENH tree make it a baseline passive because that is what it should be and call it a day.

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That’s fine if its optional. That’s the issue is there are abilities/talents you HAVE to take that end up clogging things up. To get feral lung i HAVE to take sundering. It’s okay but i haven’t gotten much use cause i have a lot of other procs i have to focus on to even get damage since for some reason the nature damage from stormstrike only happens on procs. The abilities itself is just a physical hit.

I wish it weren’t true, but it is evidently so.

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Another build without any enhance shaman changes. We need the Ret pally treatment already

enhanced was op on season 1 and 2 bro-.–

defiantly was op on season 1 , but was still FAR from DH at Season 1.

Problem with enhance is its a class with LOW SUSTAIN and HIGH BURST DAMAGE on CDs.

Community doesn’t ACCEPT to get kill in a BURST then they cries for ONESHOT. So they nerf ele blast , they nerf the canon , so only glass remains.


how about no

Right, it was terrible in season 3, that’s why 9 of 10 of the world’s first teams brought double enhancement despite not running a comp needing 2 windfury groups.

Enhance was good in season 1. Season 2 Enhance was middle of the pack when you playing Storm Build (aka every single target fight which were easy) and was quite literally one of the best DPS specs for Mythic Sark and Mythic Echo playing Elementalist (aka the two hardest fights in that raid tier). In Mythic, in half the raid you were playing Storm Build and in half the raid you were playing Elementalist.

Season 3 it fell off overall because it couldn’t pad on some fights like Gnarlroot or Igira (who cares about overall raid damage btw) and still had a good BOSS damage profile despite being a flare bomb class for Mythic Tindral and overall was a good spec for Mythic Fyrakk, especially phase 2. It still had an excellent damage profile on Mythic Larodar, arguably the hardest of the first 6 bosses in Mythic Amirdrasil and you could have your Enhance do the Mythic add during any intermission on Mythic Nymue.

Quite literally the opposite. We’re a sustainable DPS spec with low burst on a single target. High burst during add sets. Unless you’re talking about PvP but tbh, Blizzard cares less about PvP than they care about Enhance having a working spec for the TWW.

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Yeah, his name was Nergal! Oh wait! Er, hmm, I meant to say Ner’zhul! His spirit eventually got stuffed into the Lich King’s helmet where he got to speak sweet nothings into anyone who would put on the helm of shame. All thanks to another Shaman, a failed one at that, by the name of Gul’dan.

Now you see, this here Gul’dan feller, was once a Shaman too. He struggled to commune with the band - Earth, Wind, and Fire and just couldn’t get down to discoing with them. So he Fel in with The WRONG Crowd and became a Warlock. Which well ALL KNOW is meta these days and one of Blizzard’s coddled classes. Lets face it! Shaman’s work hard to perform their rolls right for lower gains compared to other classes. Clearly not dig a here rolling my eyes.

So hence forth, Dark Shamans have ALWAYS existed. They were known as Warlocks. For better dps output, easier to command mini-onions on command, and shucking that useless mail armor and shield (cause it protects less then Cloth Armor with spells … yeah, Blizzard, DROPPING THE BALL HERE). Warlocks are just failed Shamans who are more powerful then Shamans. sighs

Afterthought, yeah, I thought about trying out Frost DK. Only because I’ve never played it and it’d be new to me. Not sure I want to main it. When you have a talent called KILLING MACHINE, just sounds cool (pun intended). It’s like saying, “Hey guys, I’m not going to sugar coat this. You know what I’m about and why I’m here.” insert grin

Notable RL Frost DK - Jason Vorhees (Friday, The 13th). Was nerfed all these years with 1 melee weapon because it was only Thursday, The 12th. Now he gets two. Associated Frost DK, Lord Humongous (Max Max, The Road Warrior). People who can pull off wearing a hockey mask and be a killing machine.