But the hat is new...Parrot Mount from event

Do you remember that Simpsons episode about a new doll ?:rofl::sweat_smile: and it was the same but with a new hat.

That parrot mount :rofl::parrot::pirate_flag:


What of it? It looks cool.

I know it looks cool, it just remind me of that episode because is the previous mount but with a good hat

It’s similar. But the other parrot mounts are the old bird models that don’t land and don’t have a running animation. This parrot appears to use the newer model, which does have those things. It’s a massive improvement. I don’t know if you’ve ever used one, or a druid in a somnowl flight form, but the running animation is just adorable!

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It was Malibu Stacy.


It really is. I am looking forward to getting the parrot mount. Anyone know what renown it is at?

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That’s what Blizz do best. Rehash old content and rewards and call them new.

How many mount and pet re-colours do you have? Quite a few.

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have u seen the pirate transmog?

I happen to really like birds, so when Blizzard offers another parrot, I’m going to be excited.

Also the Plunderstorm parrot looks like it is using the updated bird model, unlike Squawks, Sharkbait and Quacks.

The new parrot will be able to run on its feet and perch, unlike the other parrot mounts.


The parrot isn’t really the issue. It’s the recolor of the KT Heritage armor that gets me.

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I’ll use it with the new pirate outfit for a bit.

running on the ground with that hook for a foot is going to look awkward

Hoooo yeah. Blizzard probably won’t add an awkward sound effect to magnify that fact.

I like pvp but the rewards with this are disappointing. I wish there was something more that pulled me in. The pirate transmog is ok but KT Heritage is better - why is there only one hat in all of Azeroth you can show your hair :sweat_smile: If they had another hat that could show hair or a brand new mount (not same one with a hat) I’d probably play until I wanted to die.

Ok Debbie.