Busy dad looking for a casual guild

I’m pretty busy and only play WoW for a couple of hours every few days, but it’s been boring playing alone. I’m looking for a casual guild that may run raids and mythics, but also doesn’t mind having members who just want to chill and help each other out.

I play Horde, mainly DPS, on Blade’s Edge.

Hi Aquiel!
Give me a holler if this is what you are looking for.
Hope to see you soon!

As of July 23, 2024 no server transfers are necessary. Any toons can join guilds on any realms.

The Dignified, Blade’s Edge is an active, fun, cross faction, cross realm guild. We are home to aprx 325 different accounts and many alts. Our scheduled events are:
*Casual RBG’s, attend when you want to, for all guildies with a set of any pvp gear at 8pm central time 4 nights a week. We currently have one RBG push team, 2 nights a week.
*Casual N/H raids, attend when you want to, for all guildies meeting min ilvl, Friday and Saturday 6-8pm central time.
*Mythic Monday nights for all guildies so they have a vault if they want one. Otherwise, just watch guild chat for people running them and needing others.
*Every Thursday at 7:30pm central we have old raids and dungeons for mounts and mogs. Open to all guildies meeting character level requirement.
*Monthly gold raffles, *guild parties twice a year, yearly *mog contest, and other fun things.
Anything you’d want in a guild really. Our PvP events will resume with TWW.
Members decide what they want to do and when they want to go. There’s no pressure to do anything (unless on push or prog teams of course). Just enjoy the game.
**A DPS for our AOTC+ raid team and
**HEALER for our AOTC+ raid team
Progression AOTC+ raid team runs Tuesday Wednesday 8-10pm central.
Contact Discord: OlRazzledazl or Bnet: Death #12773

Contact Discord: Stormy1445 or Bnet: Stormy#1445

We are a group of older wow players on the realm Wrymrest Accord. It is a RP realm but we don’t role play. We dable in a bit of everything. Very casual and everyone has a real life they need to attend to. Work or family or anything RL always comes first. Zero preasure to log in. The realm was originally very Horde populated so the guild was originally horde. Now we have many people adding their alliance toons or just alliance players joining as well. The guild does raid, run mythic plus together. We have a lot of casual people as well that like to farm mog,mounts,pets,toys. Some are altoholics and have a lot of characters in the guild.
I wish you luck in finding your new home and if you have any questions about us please feel free to ask. Have a great rest of you day!!

Hey Aquiel! Please consider our new guild, the new Tyrrish Rebellion! Right now we are very small, we just started recruiting. We are looking to raid and achieve AOTC in The War Within but at the end of the day just having a fun group to play World of Warcraft and possibly other games together is the main goal.
We are grown adults with Kids that don’t have all the time in the world to play like we used to. We understand things come up, we understand raiding isn’t for everyone. We value yours and our limited free time and don’t want to squander that or have it filled with unnecessary drama.
Our raid schedule for TWW is Wednesday/Thursday Evenings 8:30 to 10:30 Eastern.
Let me know if you are interested or have any questions :slight_smile:

Hey! I’d love to join, but I don’t see Tyrrish Rebellion coming up in the guild & communities search. I really like the idea of joining a small, up and coming guild, and the raid times work well for me for most weeks.

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How do we go about contacting someone for an invite?

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Unless you’re on the Realm the guild was created on, I don’t think you will find them in a guild finder search

Hey there! We are a “life first” guild and we understand what your busy schedule is like. We may be a good fit for you. Check out our post and reach out if you have questions!

Discord: Faiery
Battle.net: Faiery#1306

Thanks! My Discord is bardicdrake and I sent over a request.

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