Burning Vehemence vs training dummy

I was testing Burning Vehemence damage on Cleave Training Dummies in Valdrakken. It’s supposed to be 75% of the initial hit of Holy Fire, but I see in the combat log it’s doing half that (22k BV on a 58k HF hit).

It seems to be working fine against monsters. Did some dev nerf it against training dummies to make it look less OP?

Make sure you’re not accidentally pvp mode from the pvp dummy. It doesn’t flag you afaik you just do pvp numbers lol

I am aware of that issue. It can happen without touching the pvp dummy.

My Mindgames doesn’t light up, so I think it’s something else.

Actually I don’t think it’s even reduced in pvp. It’s working at full power on Stormwind training dummies, with or without war mode on, on regular training dummies and cleaving the pvp dummy.