Lord Rush
The Scorpion Alliance
Char: LrdRush
The Scorpion Alliance
=O) scorpionalliance com
Sorry, missed this.
Yes, the Burning Legion Raid Alliance (BLRA)?
Man I remember you guys what happened to Sugoda and snovv
Vaako NE hunter
I remember so many jamuul scrooge, Reece, sugoda, snovv, khaalathas, sonty, bellemadison, crashnburn and so many more.
Horde side I remember dejanos, Bremmem, axxel, ome, Triba, that warrior from zecksonic legion and all of his pocket healers
Guilds ropetown, shortbus allstars, mjoillnir, tyranny, aenigma, stormwind vanguard, zecksonic legion, IRONFIST, OG, ascension, very hairy man guild and so many more
Hopefully some of the names help you guys reconnect even if it’s for TBC or at least bring back some fond memories. I wish I would have done this earlier I had a blast in classic.
I remember tyranny saying they were the key to Onyxia
Poltasius, dwarf paladin from Vengeance here. Where is Ajh?!
Poltasius dwarf paladin here, i’m pretty sure I remember you. I’d pay a bunch of money to be able to explore vengeance website guild.
Poltasius rings a bell. Ajh quit around tbc I think. Haven’t seen him since. Few of us still playing kromcrush horde side though.
i think i was on burning legion or BWL… so posting to both
Human mage, Animosity, full tier 2 tier 2.5
cant remember the guild name
Looks like BL!