Character: Chriah
Class: Human Paladin
The Ironfist crew
Character: Chriah
Class: Human Paladin
The Ironfist crew
FYI to any alliance friends of mine from these days I’m now on Heartseeker horde. Would love to catch up with some of you folks if youre playing, like Saturn, Scummer, Monchez, Silariana, etc.
Hey vanilla server people!
I saw a few former guildies and friends post above
Name: fuzzed
Class: Rogue
Guild: defiant, zin azshara, AEnigma
Sup rankil, cavos, samaelina, wynta, suiko, baklash
saw many other PVP mates as well
where is everyone at?
EDITS: battlenet tag:
Fuzzed #11299
currently on horde thunderfury
Hey long time no see. Our group went with kromcrush horde. Good faction balance so we stuck around. All around high 30s.
Alliance alts we rolled on grobbulus.
Feel free to add me on Bnet. What’s your tag?
Name: Mathorann
Class: Paladin / Dwarf
Guild: Stormwind Vanguard
Azka! What up man this is hoola from Sin night elf warrior glad to see you on here where you playing at? I’m currently maining a rogue named Hoolla on Sulfuras horde side.
Hey my man! Long time no see! Hoola here playing a rogue named Hoolla on hordeside with khallathas.
Hoola night elf warrior
Played vanilla with one purpose Ashkandi the sword of Two handed swords before naxx anyways.
Would love to see endcati, akolt, ravenk, ggvash, parerga, Smokeyjones, and anyone else from back in the sin days of raiding.
Currently playing horde side with Khaalathas on Sulfuras.
reply here so i can see if any of you suckas respond
Anyone going from high pop to low pop realms?
Idk if anyone Remembers me but i Played a Night Elf hunter named Vaako in the guild mjiollnir. Ill be playing on Sulfuras Horde side.
Yo I was in class with you at Viera High School in graphic design
Been a while!
Azka! It’s Eltrigga!
Character: Eltrigga
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Spiritmoon
I remember you Zippy! How you been?
I was a Paladin “Chrisaralius” on this server. Eventually helped run a guild in BC called Orc Killaz. Hopefully some people from vanilla and BC remember me as I was one of the best holy paladins our server had. I play horde now in classic tho. But would be up to play alliance if some old friends were to find me
Name: Ogkilla
Class: Rogue/Gnome
Guild: vengeance bepu
i remember yunalesca, xsoulkiller, geladrias, thunderman, zitch, norbo and alot of your names are familiar. I hope life has been treating y’all well. Crazy how much time has passed by.
Currently on bigglesworth alliance - 60 gnome rogue (calibased)
I played a gnome warrior named Bunstord back in the day, man your name sounds dam familiar
2020-10-14T07:00:00Z Heya Axie! Long time no see =O) scorpionalliance com