Burning Legion Alliance Reconnections

Poobear & Pookiebear. Gnome mage/Nightelf druid.
Literally everybody :slight_smile:


Hey Zippy, how’s your Mom?

Stubbydabest, Dwarf Hunter
VHMG, Elysium

YUPYUP TAL is back for Classic …

Still a nice lady, and don’t you forget it ha

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You playing classic stubby?

I added ya!

Flextra#11847 playing on Fairbanks Alliance.

Hey I remember you guys! NE Rogue Gambitt here. What server did you guys decide on?

Yeah, Alliance on Blaumeux. I wanted to do Whitemane but the queue was too much. I’m playing with a couple people there, still has a queue but it’s not as bad.

lol yeah dude and it seems to change characters a bit.

Night Elf Druid
Resto with a splash of feral pvp
Dont remember guild names but a few seem to ring bells in this thread.

Also Rahhjah Human Warlock

oimg.photobucket. com/albums/v217/Hippaulz/sulf.jpg wonder if anyone posted that yet. First kill of Sulfuron in vanilla i think. I remember when Tyranny posted it I had to save it. Who needs to kill adds?!

Hey old friend,

I have just been mucking around on no que servers currently. Trying to decide where I am going to main. All my friend groups are splintered around. I can’t play as hardcore this time around, damn game almost made me flunk out of high school.

Where are you at?

Holy s*** Packet!!!

Whats good bro!? I have just been messing around on no que servers. Really trying to decide where I am going to level up. I keep telling myself I cannot play as hard as the first time around but once those pretty GM purples show , who knows what happens haha.

How are you dude? Add me Gritzxv2#1810

Ended up on Sulfuras horde side - was going to go Herod but OMG those queues. Yeah i wont be as hardcore as before either but still plan to be pretty focused. Hoping to maybe pvp a bit more than before as well :slight_smile: you should come join. Myself, Words / Keian, and Vaako are going to be rolling there and still working on a few others for now. Hope all is well and Hope to see you around again bud. Should toss me your battlenet id ill add ya. Very minimal queues there like 5-10 minutes so far. so busy but not over busy

Definitely - I plan on jumping around , I’d assume blizz has to open realm xfers due to this garbage release splintering friends every which way.


Ill add ya when i got home from work later today khaalathas#1109

Uno buddy how are you? Its Rhyno!