NE Warrior
Defiant, Eminence( I think? this one could have been from a different mmo)
NE Priest
Ironforge Mercenaries
Omg Tal that is hilarious lol.
Keladazlia- Druid Moonkin
sadly cant remember anyone’s names or the guilds name. But if you remember playing with me. hit me up lol.
Character: Jadefalcon
Race: Human
Class: Healy type Paladin
Guild: Tyranny
I remember some of these names from back in the day, Demonsthanes, Rose, Haruka, Elwynta, Eredwyn. How are ya!
I only have a single picture from all of my raiding with Defiant back in the good old days, not sure what happened to all the others, young stupid me didn’t think to properly archive them when I finally moved on from our family computer that I played on. You’re not in this one Koda, but I’m sure many in the guild would recognize quite a few names from it.
imgur . com / CBGAp7B
Herod Horde as well Cant wait to begin classic again tomorrow
hit me up Khaalathas#1109
Khaalathas#1109 is my battlenet sig i will add you here bud good to see your alive
Come join Words and me on the dark side LOL Horde on Sulfuras not Herod anymore too friggin full over there.
Biga, Dwarf Hunter
Hamaristia, Human Warlock
Guilds: Don’t remember the names
going alliance, realm TBD
Just added you. Ill be on at launch
battletag is getmoist#1924
Hey! Probably playing in a pvp server. still have no clue which one. Trying to get Fianna to join
That’s awesome! I see me hiding on the right side of the pic. Was forever ago. See a lot of old names. Still raid with a few of the classic people and others that I’ve been with since TBC and up.
Name: Wobwka
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Played from 04’ all the way and into BC+ on BL. Unfortunately don’t remember the old guild, I was in. Spent a large portion of my time doing world PVP, and defending SouthShore.
I still talk to pete (Aurelius), ill send him your way… A lot of us are coming back (Myself, Pete, Aareba , Alcoy, Geter, Nyctrin, Nogrannix) those are the ones off of the top of my head. We are all playing Horde on Fairbanks this time around
and Arejay of course
I remember you two. Wonder if we’ll see any others on here.
Silver Storm
Oh the good times we had there. remember xtech going hey we need a tank want to come along. i was there so excited for my first raid MC, CQ all ready had it on farm. next thing i know i had a guild invite. this is Prizm not sure why it shows up as my alt.
MT5 my first guild! Prizm was the character i played, not sure why it shows up as on of my alts.