<Burning Hearts> [H-Pve][Fri/Sat Raids]

Bump!~ loving the new raid~ still looking for a strong Hpally!
Starting heroic tomorrow! still have some room for new friends~
Bump~ kinda looking for a shotcaller for the healer camp, could be a particulary good ranged dps too!
WTB good ranged dps, will pay in bear snuggles.
Bump! progressing on maiden this weekend :D yay
07/09/2017 02:54 PMPosted by Zenjifal
Bump~ kinda looking for a shotcaller for the healer camp, could be a particulary good ranged dps too!

pfft.. we need no stinkin "shotcaller".. we be 7/9H sugar!
Bump~ will be progressing on avatar tomorrow night~
Bump ^^
Time to check out 7.3! Let the argus hype beginnn xO
I guess this guild is pretty cool.
Has a lot of butts, 5/7.
When we raid we get to stare at a bear butt. We don't always want to, but it's there if that's your thing.
Our bear leader is drunk and also a Void Lord. Do not trust in Bearlords.
PS: Also do not trust sponges.