Burning Crusade Server with Level 60 Start?

In some ways, TBC was the pinnacle of WoW: better class design, tough heroics, and a world that still felt weighty.

While just bolting 60-70 into Classic Hardcore would be too long a journey for most, what would you think of a server where characters started at 60 and then fought their way to 70? I would massively enjoy this style of play and relish unleashing various specs on outland.


Starting at 60 would be completely unnecessary due to the 1-60 xp squish when TBC launches. 1-60 in Vanilla actually takes longer than 1-70 in TBC due to this change.


I liked the month-long Wrath prepatch on the fresh server Skyfury. Shout out to Skyfury friends.

I don’t know about starting at 60, but I do sometimes wonder if there would be an appetite for a lobby game based on Instanced WoW content without leveling.


We went to 70 then kinda slunk back to Grobb.

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I’d be OK with a quicker leveling curve if it meant more people were willing to throw their lives against the overturned heroic content that we had at release. You play on a TBC server to experience TBC content, not to respawn in Goldshire.

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60-70 is the same as 1-60.
TBC has heroic content as well which would for sure get ppl sent back to the dark portal.
60 fresh start would be my choice

No reason to start at 60. Its way too fast to lvl 60-70.

Also if there is going to be an hc server i think all the content should be in its post nerf state. Prenerf would be too pumishing in an hc environment.

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Please do not EVER allow any character to start above lvl 1. Totally absurd idea that screams retail. I hated the idea in every version of the game.

Why play at all? Heck, just give everyone max lvl, max raid gear ftw. Bleh!

The point is to PROGRESS THROUGH the game, not skip it. Let your friends experience that too.


I think you’re onto something here. They give me all that and I don’t even need to play!
Think of the sub money I could save. :+1:t4: :joy_cat:

60 and start dont go together. Start = level 1. Little kids dont understand thaf?

lol, no :expressionless:

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ppl dont want to start at 1… its really that simple… they want to experience zones… with the caveat of if you die, you start from the portal again…

you speak for yourself bud

retail literally has you start at different levels… ppl asking to play tbc… arent asking to play classic starting in elwynn forest.

This isn’t retail, this is would be classic TBC, and if it was a fresh server there would be zero reason for any boosts, as boosts were only ever provided as a way to catch people upto the current content. With a fresh server level 1 would be where everyone starts, so no there no there should be no boosts.


I’m a people, and I’d prefer to.

Yes, you certainly do. :wink:

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Bs. That would make tbc a joke if tbey allow people to start at level 60. The majority of the world would also be deserted.

Nope, I’d like to start at level 1.
Well, Vanderdecker nailed it.

Nooo. I want to level a Draenei from level 1! No “cheating” here.

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Just a regular level 1 TBC server please

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