Burning Crusade Classic: The Sunwell Plateau is Now Open!

“Sparkle Pony”

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Lol do you guys not have phones?

I’m having a blast on Turtle WoW =cP

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probably because they think criticism is harassment and abuse

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Simping full time today I see.


The last minute annoucement, continued choice to simp for Chinese players and release content on Thursday. I’ll be quitting before wotlk.

Instead of content releases being fun part of the game. You decided to rush them. Make them extremely inconvenient by releasing on Thursday. With such a short noticed I won’t be able to get time off work and I will miss our first week of progression. This has happened to be every time you’ve released content on a Thursday. I’m done. F*** all of you and your greedy f***ing leadership.


Rating Requirements on honor gear? and the original requirements… 1700 for boots means any 3s and 5s player not a rival wont be able to obtain them.

The original rating requirements made sense when you started at 1500 and challenger was 1700 but not in classics rating system.

And the vindicator stuff is bugged with the original mark requirements.


Blizz - you guys are the best. You always communicate timing and give great advance notice… said no one ever.

I’m looking forward to breaking it to my whole guild that they 1) have to play on days we don’t normally raid because of your “world” release. 2) Have to change their next week plans just to be able to have week 1 progression.

Whenever new things come out I always like receiving virtually no notice. It’s fun to not be prepared and change my life suddenly just to play.

Or maybe the real reason this is all last minute is just because you fired the person who was supposed to make the announcement a couple weeks ago. Or, they quit because they were tired of being sexually harassed.


One week’s notice? Really?

The lack of communication to the Classic community is absolutely baffling. This is the hardest content phase we’re going to see, and now countless guilds (including my own) won’t be able to arrange schedules with work to accommodate yet another Thursday release.

We expected a Thursday release this time around, but we didn’t know which Thursday to ask people to schedule around. One week doesn’t give most people with jobs enough time to make arrangements.

Do better, Blizzard. This is not acceptable.


Yay, WotlkC is coming soonish.

Myself and 2 other friends will be quitting because of how you’ve treated your TBC players with Thursday releases, poor communication, and a complete disregard for the player experience for non-Chinese players.


I’m actually shocked they are pushing through with this after the almost unanimous backlash ending S3 early got.

Opening Isle feels 3-4 weeks too early IF they gated the bosses. This just feels…Really bad. I wont lie - I’m a sucker so they have me until I hit 80 for the nostalgia but I really don’t know if I want to rush through another expansion.


1 week notice…thx


yes , really

All yall knew this was coming for weeks lmao, if you’re surprised at the release date I don’t know what to tell you. Does blizzard need to send you personal email letting you know the exact date of release for every piece of content?


So am I reading this correct… going forward there will be no live TBC servers with the launch of wrath?

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“We’re really listening to our community, and what they want”

No, you arent. Less than a weeks notice, not nearly enough time for each tier to feel rewarding. Stop listening to people that buy gold and spam GDKPs and listen to the actual guilds trying to enjoy content. This is absurd! Wrath is going to feel awful if you rush through it in a year like you did BC.


My question too, no mention of it.

One week notice KEKW