Don’t forget the androgynous scalies who shoot the pride flag every time they cast a spell in dragon flight.
Also low level hunters (like this one) completely destroying everyone in retail pvp lvl 10-59 and blizz not only refusing to nerf them but actually buffing BM by 3%.
Yeah thats what I was hoping for since at least my guild only really cares about illidari council and illidan.
Hopefully it takes guilds at least 2 weeks to clear. Your average guild well over a month or never.
I want to see those Naxx tears again.
This is earlier than I thought it would come out.
So what’s the guesstimate for LK?
When I saw they brought in the woman who ruined the reboot experience for another game to manage WoW Classic, I was hoping it didn’t mean this game would be ruined, too.
But shame on me for giving M$-Blizz the benefit of the doubt.
Vindicator gloves, bracers, and belt are not available for purchase on the PTR. Is this an oversight? Anybody without honor boots/bracers currently will be left out in the cold when S4 drops, until they get their rating.
When the original Sunwell raid patch was released, we had the following:
- All 25-player raid bosses have had their cash drops increased!
- All 25-player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop an additional token!
- Badges of Justice have been added to all raid bosses who did not previously have them!
We had this partially implemented when Phase 3 came out to all raids except Black Temple and Hyjal Summit.
But this has been highlighted in the previous release:
Can we have a confirmation that it will be available a 3rd token (to bosses that drop a token) and badges of justice as well?
And can we have a confirmation that it goes live on this Tuesday also? Early patches we had to wait the raid opening, it is not fair to NA players to not benefit the patch on their opening week.
blizzard not caring about anyones time or schedules…wow im shocked. at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if WOTLKC lasted the same time tbc did if not shorter…to be honest i dont even know what they are in a rush for cause ive seen several people say they are quitting after WOTLKC is over so their sub counts are gunna go down again lmaooo
wow you guy’s finally banned a bot i reported 3 months ago good job they only been mining and herbing 24/7 for THREE MONTHS
Tell them I will buy all their Terocone for 90g/stack
Who the hell is speedrunning tbc? Everyone was doing it in classic but tbc is just a whole different vibe
He probably already bought another boost from Blizz and is at it again.
This is short-term thinking. Sure, everyone is going on because TBC Classic and WotLK Classic releases are unique events like original Classic was.
But after WotLK … How many Classic players would opt to go back and “settle down” on their favorite era rather than going on to Cata? I came back late and fully intended to go on to WotLK and then come back later to play TBC at a more leisurely pace.
The people who are moving on to WotLK, and the people who would like a an era realm long-term, are not mutually exclusive groups.
I don’t have a dog in this fight. I was just repeating Blizzards alleged reasoning. No idea if Blizz is lying or not as to that being their real reasoning for no TBC servers after WOTLK launch. After the random LFD removal, where Blizzard made such a decision without speaking with the community (no surveys), but claiming it is what the community wanted anything is possible so Blizz could just be short sighted as well.
sorry, they’ve only been farming felwood and winterspring but hey they got lv. 64 in all that time.
It’s okay I already got a couple plugs
thats because they are bottom of the pack in pve in retail.
This is what I was actually trying to say, not that you were being short-sighted
Maybe blizz only did a week notice so all you try hards don’t spazz and blow through it in 2hrs…they don’t time gate the raid and everyone complains if they did timegate it everyone would complain…get off your high horses and just enjoy the game who cares if you don’t speed through it day 1…yall talk like it’s the retail people who min max everything the classic community does the exact same thing. Smh blizz just can’t win
Great so we can expect WolTK to go live in 4 weeks then?
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