Burning Crusade Classic server?

as the title says, A burning Crusade server would be more appealing to me.

Let me start out with this, there is the 10 man raids which was far more enjoyable than the 40 man raids. Not every pally Druid and Shaman was forced to be a healer, if you did not heal as these classes you were NEVER invited to any raids. We had more options for main tanks and Main healers. Every class was still unique. Smaller guilds could still raid without having to poach or the fear of being poached by larger guilds.

What I do not miss about Vanilla. VERY long grind, Very few Daily quests, had to join a large guild to raid. If you wanted to join any guild you had to fill out a job application. most raids will only take certain number of certain classes example they would never accept a ret or prot pally, the need for hunters was in limited numbers, if you was a class that can heal you were expected to be a healer or else you just was not allowed in. god forbid you miss out on raid night for whatever reason you was kicked out of the guild. the god awful DKP system. to start a basic 5 man dungeon group you had to spam LFG in the trade channel. there was NOTHING that was soo great about Vanilla wow.

Now back to Burning Crusade. All you had to do was make a few friends and be somewhat of a decent player and you could get spots in a heroic or a 10 man raid. raids were maxed out at 25 people and it was really easy to secure a spot in a raid if you had a decent reputation. If you was a druid and you wanted to do feral tanking it was really no problem, Bear tanks was always welcomed, if you wanted to be an enhancement shaman, again no problem, Shadow Priests was Always welcomed. People enjoyed the game a lot more. Raiding was far more enjoyable and sociable in that expansion and the Wrath expansions than all other expansions combined.

if you had a decent group you can knock out a dungeon in 30 minutes or less, if you missed a raid it was no big deal you can easily pug a few extra people you knew. I made alot of friends in BC and Wrath. you did not have to join a hardcore raiding guild to enjoy the game.

just a thought…

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Adds thread number #36542038 of “Make a TBC server” to the pile. Its not an unachievable idea, but certainly not something you have to sell a new crowd to here in the Classic forums.


Image result for dead horse meme

Now that I got that out of the way, TBC servers aren’t a hard sell, but just play Classic first and see how everything pans out before getting too excited about where we go next.

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Pretty sure there has been discussions over TBC and WOTLK servers if Classic does well, but wouldn’t really put any promises on that.

Next people will want individual servers for each expansion.

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If we all play Classic enough and it’s successful then TBC would follow. Most of us here would prefer TBC straight away, that’s been vocalized by many threads already. We have to help Classic be successful to achieve the transition.


this is the only reason why I will create a toon on classic and just play around with it…

Just a thought question.

Where would it stop?

If each was sucessful, would Bliz just have 8 (or more depending on how much more Wow has left) stand alone, pristine Wow expansion servers?

I’d love to play Mists again just as it was, and that’s not far off from where Wow is now.

it will stop at wrath. just look at the peak subscription numbers they speak for themselves…

Good point!

classic isn’t even released and you’re asking for BC servers? please…log out for the rest of the day.

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As long as its a separate server and you transfer your toon (or reroll), fine by me.

Classic BfA! Imagine going back to a time 5 years ago when it was more important to fight on the forums than play the game!

I wonder if when Classic BfA comes out, they will also announce “Classic Classic WoW”, so that people can relive avoiding BfA waiting for Classic.

It could stop at classic Imo.

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that is the point. you can have your classic server, as long as those of us who want bc to have BC and wrath players can have wrath. there is huge support for those version of the game. there would be little support for anything past that. but if you look at the peak time in wow it was during the BC and wrath era and it took a huge dip during cata. and to be honest MOP was great and so was the ending part of legion. but nothing compares to BC or Wrath I would take either one but BC was Really great because of the flexibility in raids and heroic dungeons and it was just great overall content and story line.

Many of these posts are talking about moving the servers forward. Just pointing out the factors that people would be ok with.

It will definitely be a separate server. They have discussed that already. I personally don’t care about the character transfers because I will be starting from scratch on a blood elf lol :heart_eyes:


I’m assuming you mean most of the TBC fans. The vast majority are in the camps of just Classic and nothing else or Classic+

I am willing to bet 5000 gold that if they opened a wrath, BC, and classic. Wrath would have about the same as BC numbers and the classic server will have the least numbers.

Well I suppose most people for TBC have been more vocal. I’m happy to play Classic, but there are a lot of people who love TBC. I don’t mind waiting, I think thats part of the fun :grinning:

I think this also. I know I would definitely have a character on both servers. I would probably still main on my TBC character though. Hopefully wotlk wouldn’t have group finder etc.