Burning Crusade Classic: Phase 3 is Now Live

devs, way to be consistent. consistently disappointing


Inb4 bait and switch to “oh sorry guys and gals, we will do it Wednesday. We now understand how many guilds this affects,” after the roasting they got for the t5 Wed release.

Classic world first is a meme. Do same day release on retail where it actually matters.


Admittedly it is odd that they would choose to release P3 on a Thursday but let’s be honest. Regardless of what day/time they chose SOMEONE would have complained. You’re going to have a few if not several months to raid BT/MH. I promise it’s not going to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night or tell you it’s going to the store to buy cigarettes and never return. The amount of whining is just unreal.

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What the hell is making you guys release raid tiers on days other than tuesdays? Stop doing that.


Your condescending remarks don’t actually make you better than anyone who was hoping for some consistency. You do know that, right?

It’s not too much to ask a multibillion-dollar company to have some consistency with how they operate. Players organize their IRL schedules to accommodate these things. Precedent matters. Everyone knows we’ll have months to do it. That doesn’t change that we’ve been excited for it to launch, and now many of us will be behind groups who (by chance) raid on different days. It’s ridiculous, and your odd affinity for the taste of leather doesn’t change that.


Well, 1/4 of our roster raids with alts in different guilds on different nights. We can’t get everyone together on multiple off nights if we raid Tue/Wed. They basically robbed us of a first week lockout. Even if we can muster enough people to go in there, we would be pugging to fight the roster boss.

On smaller servers, there is no new blood. Just people raiding on their alts from other guilds on different days.


posting on a lvl 11 shut up your opinion doesnt matter


We’re on a large server and we’re in the same position, honestly. Our raiders organize IRL schedules to accommodate the agreed-upon times.

The Wednesday P2 release was annoying, but we dealt with it (we raid Tues/Wed). Randomly tossing this to Thursday completely screws us out of our first week, and that will screw our server-wide rankings (which we were hoping to improve drastically this phase).


The issue is most guilds raid Tuesday/Thursday with them releasing the raids on a Thursday you are basically throwing away the raid lock out for that week for a vast majority of guilds. Since you know to do BT they have to at least go into MH and kill Winterchill first.

So those guilds will have to see if they can get a third raid night in on an off day to get into BT or do more of the content on the first week.

It’s funny seeing all these people making such condescending remarks on “alts” and never using the mains for the profile.


For weeks? Would be hard since it only opened lask week for the raids.

It’s to launch them at the same time for all region, the weekly reset is wednesday in Europe and Thursday in China.

So… Thursday.

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PTR was up in December as well and people were clearing during that time. So yes weeks of clearing on the PTR already.

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Obviously, the overwhelming complaint here is that a Thursday night release creates a short raid week and throws off the schedules of a lot of old boomers (aka above 30) like me who have kids and a wife now. Back in the day when I played TBC originally, I was a college student and glad to let my grades suffer to score in game gear.

I (and many others) can’t just shift our children’s sporting events or dance practices or whatever to a different day so we can be available on new nights. Nowadays, a decent amount of how adults organize into guilds is based on the days they can raid, so it feels bad to get a wrench thrown into that each time you all release new content.

Everyone wants to feel the same rush and get the same competitive joy of checking how many guilds on their server downed more bosses than them week one. Releasing major raid content on a Thursday limits that rush only to those guilds who already raid later in the week or have enough people with flexible schedules to field a decent raid Week one.

If there’s a technical reason you can’t release everything on Tuesday the 25th, why not push until February 1st? You’ve listened to your community recently in other aspects of this game and retail, please consider changing the release on this.


The only reason to release it on a thursday i can think of is to cater to “Race to world 1st” (which was over a decade ago) so that all regions are on the same release. If this is the case, super dumb. A lot of guilds raid tue/wed and you are just preventing them from raiding week 1. No we can’t raid on other days, we are adults with jobs and families.


So we should screw over every other region just to accommodate to China? Ef that.


But daddy blizzard simps for china


More proof Blizzard continues to be out of touch with their customer base. Is it not glaringly obvious that the majority of players are already attuned and have been waiting to do this raid for months? and then you decide to create this awkward raiding release date when the majority of players are accustomed to your Tuesday resets? Sure keep the Thursday release date but only release Hyjal so people can get their attunement for Black Temple and release Black Temple on the 1st! or just release both on the 1st! why choose such an awkward time frame for people to adjust to and miss out on the first week of raiding when people are limited to tuesday/wedneday raiding schedules, which is the majority of guilds! Its like come on you dont have to play this game that much to realize that this release date is so out of touch.


Plenty of posts about the stupidity of a Thursday raid but I’ll pile on. What are you actually doing over there? Some meeting at Blizzard…

Overpaid Management: “I believe the best day to release is January 27th”
Guy in the Room Who Actually Plays the Game: “People typically raid on Tuesdays so perhaps the 25th or 1st would be better?”
Overpaid Management: short silence “So let me know if there are any issues leading up to a release on the 27th”

Even if their community filed a signed petition by its player base they wouldn’t see the stupidity in this decision. Such a terrible company - someone PLEASE buy out these jokers.


It’s funnier still to see all of these people talk about being an adult, having to schedule these things around this or that because adult and then they are reduced to a simpering, crying child because Blizzard decided to release P3 on a day that doesn’t accommodate their schedule. Yes, some guilds will lose 1 week, a single raid lockout, due to this but I can assure everyone it’s not the end of the world. The sky is not falling.


I pay for this game dude. “ohhh bro but youre an adult and you play VIDDDEEEOOO GAMMMESSS!” sstfu, a hobby is a hobby you nonce.