Screwy gnome warlock
Dadwarf 29 twink rogue
Smashem dwarf paladin
Helicon you ol’ dirty SOB…
Allegory - NE Rogue mostly in Archaic, briefly but not fully Surge- trying to convince Cyragon to join up as well.
Hello Burning Blade! Looking For my PVPer’s
Mawer /Human /Pally/ Marshal
Guild name: Natural Selection
looking for friends from
- Carnage
Drei - NE Rogue - Praetorian Guard
Perr, formerly from Forgotten Heroes and Mystical Knights. Shinobi/Tyranny are all ninjas, don’t group with them.
I’m sorry to hear that.
That’s the BB forum banter I’ve been missing for the last 12-13 years!
From memory we ended up with the server first Nefarian kill
Heimlichkeit - NE Rogue who happened to get both Thunderfury bindings in a single night. Many guilds along the way, notably TFB and Surge at some point. Looking forward to seeing the lot of you again.
Ladli / Human / Warlock.
Looking for friends from;
- Regnum Irae
- HoTz n DoTz
- Åbsolution
Surge lives. Hello everyone this is Elorelira (Manifest Destiny, Ataraxia, Surge). Good to see some familiar names in this thread. Looking forward to running into you all in game.
I remember raiding with you. You had one of those “unforgettable faces”.
Dilbert - druid
Thanks AoF
Swizzle here ready for some classic grinding and flower picking. Gnome(cuz gnomes are the best!) mage formerly of Surge.
Hello my old paladin friend! You have Lazek’s discord? Some of us are chatting on there and trying to figure out where to play.
Joodas - Night Elf Druid - 60 stacked!
Foundation > Annihilation > Surge.
What’s up all!? Some of these name are bringing back real memories.
Gnome warrior
Mysticc the gnome mage here. Highly doubt any of you remember me as I was a nobody…
Wow this is crazy! Especially the first post!
I am Salum lvl 70 mage from Alliance National Guard!
I didn’t think anyone would remember that. That’s insane to me. Were we really that bad? Seems like it to turn a whole server against us but a great group of people!
I dont have the discord, not sure if you can message me on this to give it to me. My discord id is hecwt#1675
FattyMcFat Human Paladin - (Praetorian Syndicate, Denied Society, Destined)
What’s up guys? battle-tag is Lakor#11693
I’ll be playing Alliance on the Thalnos PvP realm in classic