Burn malefic rapture

Right to the ground please.


Instructions unclear, now it’s stronger than ever

I’ll settle with a middle ground since the community is well divided: JUST LET US CHOOSE MR or UA as our spender. Don’t force us into MR and we won’t ask for you to be forced into UA either. Lets compromise bliz please

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No. This is a terrible way to destroy the spec.

Balance would be terrible and we don’t need to split the spec because some people who don’t even play the content don’t understand why MR is a thing.


If you would like a UA style spender, demonology is just one talent change away

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I saw a WoWhead post that said AFFLICTION REWORK! So I was like hey, maybe they finally went in a different direction from Malefic Rapture? First line:


  • Malefic Rapture] is now baseline



If Malefic Rapture is baseline and that is the spender I guess I won’t be playing Aff at all next xpac.

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What’s wrong with MR? Everyone hates it but it seems fairly easy to use

going to post a link to an old tread that has much of the discussion back and forth of UA and the old dot spec from years past and the current MR.

Hopefully this answers your question Felproton in part.

here is what i added to that forum thread back then (so was based off of that patch but many spells/talens still function the same today) that holds relatively true today regarding the complexity and “hoops” of MR compared to what many liked about having UA as the should shard splendor.

Is it me or are those that do like MR seem to like it because they like/want the burst or argue it lets them deal “good” single target damage they control? What i’m trying to get at is it seems like they want to play “affliction” but want it to be like other classes/specs with Cd’s and burst in it and pull/move away from the dot style affliction was known for. Then they argue if MR were taken away that would ruin the current form affliction is in for them that they despite what it was to begin with which set it apart from other specs.

Back in the day there was a time where it was purely dot management and you had drain life/shadowbolt/drain Soul as just the filler. The priority was managing the dots and none of this compounding hoops problem we have now.

Hoop: Get each individual dot up

Hoop: Get the stacking debuff from Shadow Embrace up

Hoop: Get Haunt up

Hoop: Get Malefic Affliction to 3 stacks by casting Malefic Rapture 3 times require 3 soul shards. This ties into Unstable affliction because without it that is a loss of 39% damage from Unstable Affliction

Hoop, Malefic Rapture deals damage based on number of Dots so “When” you cast it is now important but you have to cast it to set up the buffs to then cast later

Hoop: Utilizing Dread touch talent, time your other CD based dots to line up with that for 30% increased damage like Soul Rot or Phantom Singularity.

Hoop: and once again where back to casting Malefic Rapture once all that is said and done to MAXIMIZE damage because EVERYTHING has to be lined and active up to play well.

so each one of those COMPOUNDS off the other so it’s not just you miss one hoop/thing and you miss the damage from that single piece: you miss out on the collective total of how it build off itself. The complexity is just nuts for what was once simplicity.

But lets take a step back here: Affliction, at one time or another, was not always seen as bursty and often was thought of as the Dot class. Could you build a nuke option Wayyyy back in the day cross-talent picking with the other two trees for shadowbolt buffs, sure, but you could ALSO build a pure dot spec where it was more consistent, slow ramp maybe, but solid across what it could do and unique in it’s style.

So, coming back into this subject: Why then for those of us trying to carve out an older dot spec feel like we are get racked on the coals by those who want it to be like other specs when we could simply say, Go play other specs if you want the bursty power, CD’s based, or have layer after layer of compounding skills to increase damage and just leave affliction as it once was at one time long ago: a Dot based spec.

Sustained specs arent viable in todays game. Linking old threads of other players that dont understand how a damage profile works doesnt help your argument.

Affliciton for some dumb reason got two half-[word that horrifies americans] aoes that don’t sync. And one of them is forced on us as the main dump for soul shards for all situations.

What is the word?

Relative to horse.

Beginning middle and end of the argument essentially boils down to: it’s not a dot and aff is a dot spec.

Mr is here to stay for good reasons.

+500 likes on posts bashing MR on the big Affliction Rework reddit thread. Everyone agreeing. Same with Wowhead and MMOChamp comments section, seems like a majority dislike it.

Affliction Rework on Alpha : r/wow (reddit.com)

Seems like most people don’t like it. It probably has more to do with fun rather than WoW only gamer brainrot mythic raiding damage profile stuff.


These people will say in the same breath that seed spam is fun but MR spam isn’t.

I’m not the one with brain rot here.


Straw-man. Also I think the Alpha is going in the right direction in making MR finally fun/smooth to use. But if that fails, hopefully in 11.1 they maybe try to rethink Aff.

Just slap a laser graphic on it and everyone will quiet down. It really is that simple.

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True. Along with Siphon Life soft removal and Seeds not conflicting with it in theory.

I’m not one to play affliction warlock much, but the little I’ve played makes me realize that Malefic Rapture is in the same place that Rune of Power was for mages.

It is a very important skill that requires a certain amount of work to reach its potential and, most importantly, ends up being a reference for the balance of all specialization.

This type of ability that does not shine on its own and affects the entire performance of the specialization should be removed from the game.