Burden of Power Not Functioning for Arcane Mage Post Hotfix

Since the hotfix, burden of power for arcane mages is not appearing. On generating a sphere, it just goes to glorious incandescence, not allowing us to use the buff. This is a slight nerf, and likely a consequence of the Spellfire sphere bug getting fixed. I have also submitted a bug report.

Look it further, it’s inconsistent. Sometimes it gets consumed instantly when casting blast, but when incrementing to the next sphere with BARRAGE, you do not get Glorious incandescence or Burden of Power. Again, this is likely due to messing with how spheres are generated. Please fix.


yeah this is happening for me as well. burden of power only triggers using arcane blast, and once you have full spellfire spheres it doesnt trigger at all, yet somehow using arcane blast when a sphere would be created instead gives you glorious incandescence, without having consumed a burden of power. BUT this only happens if you use arcane blast. you get neither burden of power or glorious incandescene if you use arcane barrage.

I thought I was loosing my mind yesterday, it just wouldn’t proc. I have a weak aura for it to track it, and I did notice that sometimes it does pop up, but it felt random, i started to use arcane blast and barrage when i had 5 orbs just to get some benefit, but randomly I would get burden of power when casting blast and barrage, then needed to cast another barrage. Hoping this is a bug.

Same here. I noticed it was off yesterday but couldn’t pin what. Tested the above with my mage this morning though.

I noticed this first dungeon I did today, usually when I am having to kite I use Arcane Barrage, something felt strange, prior to the hotfix every 6 barrage’s would generate full charges, after some testing on the training dummy’s I found your post. Spheres are only being created after a Arcane Blast is used. you can get 6 stacks of “Spellfire Sphere’s” but not actually convert to a sphere unless using Arcane Blast. Thank you for posting!

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