Bunny Rabbits should be represented as a playable Race

Harengon from D&D?

be careful - there is a person in the forums - Kozarath. They hate any idea that is not theirs, or a friend’s of theirs.

Shhh shh shh, just let us have this…

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Sure, add bunny people. It’ll give me more targets for my bombs. I’m sure the Vulpera would appreciate the reprieve… not that they will ever get one…

you mean belfs?

vulupas are on your team though?

Heh, they’d like to think they’re on my team

Lopporits, then?


Absolutely not. Stupid and terrible idea.

Then we need Ninja Turtles as well, ask Michelangelo, “ninja kick the bunny”

its all fun n games till they pull out the glock.

(Why do gif sites try so hard to make their stuff not work?)

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Humans: “We want the bunnehs!”

Night Elves: “We have bunnies at home!”

The bunnies at home:



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Yes Wow’s menagerie should be increased.

would they be horde alliance or neutral?

Why do we need our animals … sexy?

The come in Male flavors now as well, but the females original racial outfit is a sl** Mog

Yes because Evil is inversely proportionate to size. Smol things are the most ebil!

what if they are taller than ogres?