Bunch of old farts looking for more to join our AOTC team

In many guilds, you log on for your regularly scheduled raids and you’re just a body filling a role. It’s no different from an organized pug in that regard. We in Vitae Rising remember when raiding with a guild felt like being a part of a team of friends working together to reach common goals. We remember that, because that is the environment we continue to foster here. We have been playing/raiding/guild leading/officering together since 2004. Most of us are middle-aged adults with jobs, kids, and families but we have never forgotten that dragons in digital fantasy worlds need to be killed, drop loot, and we need to wipe a few times to get there.

We are currently 9/9 Heroic. We have achieved AOTC for every raid, but because of being real life adults now we do not raid Mythic difficulty. The guild is 18+ and for mature people only. If you are offended easily then this isn’t the guild for you. We are an intentionally small group because we value quality over quantity and look for people we will actually enjoy playing with.

We are currently in need of a few select dps and heals to fill out our team. Our main needs are:

Heals: any kind. Those with solid offspec dps are preferred.
DPS: Exceptional dps class/specs will be considered.
Tanks: Full

Raid days/times are Tue/Thur at 10:00 PM server (eastern) to 1 AM Eastern. (6 hours a week) AOTC, PVP, M+ pushing are our goals. Cross faction guilding welcome. We are horde but have some Alliance as well. Quality people please reach out!

Please post here or reach out to me or Raziel on Discord : Fenrirulv / Raziel#2843

Or Battle.net: Rawrabear#1450 / Raziel#11313 if you are interested.

Thanks for reading!

I sent requests on discord.

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Looking for a discipline priest and a couple select dps specs to round out our team.

Do you accept other old farts who are just casual players? Played mostly Alliance since end of Vanilla and looking to faction/server change a few. Not much of a raider due to real life but I really miss the community feel and guild chat

We do occasionally accept casual members. Add me in game, Rawrabear#1450 and lets chat :slight_smile:

Hello. I’m coming back to wow after a year or so break. Right now, just casual until I get caught up. You sound like a great guild to me. Ill reach out in-game.


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Hey we chatted in game and you said to hit someone up in Discord. After that I had to travel for a few weeks for work. Rolled a Havoc DH on the server and hoping an invitation is still open

Add me on discord (Fenrirulv) and lets chat.

Spots available for dps and a couple healers.

Recruiting select dps and heals for TWW!