Bummed about Warglaives of Azzinoth

I completely agree with you, it should be that the DH has to have them to get the arsenal to mog them.


Many legendary weapons are now transmogrifiable.

Developers’ note: The Warglaives of Azzinoth dropped from Illidan in Black Temple are the one exception, as a custom method for Demon Hunters in particular to obtain this transmog appearance already exists through Black Temple Timewalking, and we do not want to diminish the value of that unique reward.

When did that get announced?

wowhead. com/news=305559/visions-of-nzoth-legendary-weapon-transmog-updates

Oh… well that’s crap.

If they are going to limit those to Demon Hunters, then Demon Hunters shouldn’t be able to transmog any other legendary items.

Well that is becuase the Demon Hunters are a Hero Class, but not near to the extent that a Death Knight Was.

A Death Knight got their mount = by running down into a horse pen, having to fight for your life just to get the horse mount, multiple guards would try to attack you and could sometimes kill you. You then had to bring the mount back to be turned into the dreadsteed. It was a quest.

Demon Hunters = Run to a mount that is a few seconds of gameplay in front of you ZERO NPCs around 100% impossible to die

Death Knights had to level from 55 to 80 in their very first appearance.

Demon Hunters only had to level from 98 to 110… A ten level difference from their starting expacs.

A Demon Hunters main spell from lore was stolen by the warlocks in WoW…metamorphosis.

Death Knights came into WoW being able to summon gargoyles, raise an ally as a ghoul who could fight for a limited time and then do corpse explosion before death.

Death Knights could solo 3v3s with ease and often sold arena carries.

A well geared Death Knight could solo ICC 10m H

A well geared DH was unable to solo anything end game on heroic apart from some minor dungeons.

Both Death Knights and Demon Hunters are hero classes, but Death Knights are the REAL hero class.

So by that logic… at least let Demon Hunters have a little bit of something… they are stuck only being able to play Night Elves and Blood Elves after all. In original cannon lore they were only ever night elves so… call yourself lucky you’re not stuck playing only one faction with your Demon Hunter.

The fact that they have traditionally been rogue weapons means that even if demon hunters are given exclusive mog rights for account-wide achieves done by other characters, they will never have the unique value that devs are trying to give them.

Full disclosure: my level 110 demon hunter is logged off in her class hall. She hasn’t played since legion. She uses the mog. I farmed up 3 sets of warglaives on 3 rogues and tanked BT on a druid to unlock that achieve.

I know! Make it a pvp achieve for rogues to gank people using warglaives as Gnomest does to unlock the mog on rogues!


I think they should make it so only Rogues can transmog the Rogue only legendary daggers!

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In all fairness…

Any class that could equip the items should be able to mog them

That has pretty much been the damn standard since it was implemented.

Warglaives from BT = Swords


Wrong. DH’s had it first.

Is this a uh…lore comment?

If it’s a lore comment I’m afraid you’re gonna have to miss me with that noise lol

Locks had it first in the game

You are not the only one:

I’m hoping by Shadowlands they revert this decision.
It devalues them from being legendary if it’s limited to one class honestly.


Rogues and warriors with glaives is stupid and it ruins their mystique.

Yes, it’s a lore comment. Illidan had it first.

You are Bummed?
Yes, YOU are BUMMED!

Go outside your house and yell it to the people!

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I actually have spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn’t xmog these onto my rogue who EARNED THEM. Just because you added a way for DH’s to get them doesn’t mean you should remove it from those of us who actually earned them on toons that can equip them. I didn’t even realize this was something that was purposely planned until I came here.


They should only be a DH mog.

Mage tower appearance looks better.

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In my opinion this was a horrible move by Blizzard.

Any class that can equip it should be able to transmog it.

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I’ve actually gotten bounties just defeating players in world pvp with these glaives on and defeated many players of the same ilevel before dispite the huge stat disadvantage. Course I can’t get away with these in arenas, but yea.