Bullion catchup/weekly

I haven’t gotten all of my bullions on all of my alts , because of the catchup mechanic i haven’t been super worried about it. My concern with the weekly is if i complete it and get 2 bullions can they still then go back and get the 3 from raid?

Also curious. One way to find out.

hmm what is a buillion and should I get some

They allow you to purchase gear. Don’t mind the ilvl in the table they start at 493

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Thanks! I should get started with my LFR on alts then.

My suggestion is run the raid first in LFR, get your bullion, then do the weekly. That’s what others have been saying.


i should get 3 from one boss right?

You can definitely get 2, I haven’t done it on anyone who needed 3 to catchup.

Also in theory, the bonus 2 from the weekly quest shouldn’t impact the cap of 3, I say this because save instances addon shows my character who had all 5 as being 3/3 so that indicates that there is some sort of internal cap.

Of course……. As buggy as this patch has been you could somehow be stuck at 3 forever if you do the quest first.

I don’t know. I’ve been running it every week, so I’ve been getting my one. The catch up may mean one from one boss and one from another, etc.

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I noticed just multiple bullion dropping on alts I didn’t do raid last week on.
I was only one down, so yes for me two dropped at a time.

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The quest ones are extra, if you do the quest you can have 5 total (assuming you havent spent any yet)

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I hadn’t done raid before this week on one of my characters so I should have had 3 Bullions drop for me this week. I did the mythic dungeon weekly first and got 2 Bullions from that. Then I did LFR afterwards and only 1 Bullion dropped. Some other people were talking about this being buggy and I can confirm, I’m missing 2 Bullions from the previous two weeks.

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this is what i was afraid of. sorry about your luck ! hopefully they can fix it for you. did you try killing more bosses to see if they dropped?

No, I had not, because as far as I know, they all drop at once.

I’m going to say this is excellent advice based on my subjective observation in that I took an alt who I just got to the 463 requirement for LFR through one wing tonight and I got three of the Bullions… One from each boss. Not to say that will be everyones luck, but…

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Bought a weapon with my first 2 last week, did the weekly to get 2 and then went and did a raid and got another one. I am done with the jello kitty. That toon will be behind in term of gear… But I got the jello!

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Im going to give it one more week after this, and then Ill be taking my alts through LFR for thier 5 bullions each.

Very easy way to knock out 30 pieces for the Slime Cat, weapons on two perferred alts, and the rest for 1 Bullion transmogs.

Despite the streamer scare, the weekly doesn’t impact your normal bullions from bosses.

I turned in the weekly and got my 5th bullion from LFR immediately after.

I’ve acquired 3 total since last week

Spent 2 and have 1 in my bags that I got from LFR this week

I’ve not done the m0 weekly for the 2

If I skip that, will I get those 2 next week via the catchup?

I don’t think so, all you can get next week is 1 from raids

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