Bullies on General Discussion, Need assistance

Maybe should call you out for this comment directly towards me:

Seriously, you’re accusing people of harassing and bullying you, and here you are, doing exactly what you’re accusing people off.

People have told you what to do. People here have even explained to you, disagreements are not bullying or trolling. All this because you think vote-kicking people out of a dungeon is abuse. Then all of a sudden, start resorting to trolling not only General Discussion forums, but also Customer Support forums.

I know this is not my place to say, but if you get a forum vacation, I hope you actually do reflect on your behaviour, and come back to the forums with a more better attitude, and a better understanding on what disagreements is. Because your behaviour is way out of control.


Nobody who’s posted so far gets to define what is or is not harassment according to the code of conduct. That falls to the moderators.


People, stop replying.

Flag / ignore, and let the moderators deal with them.

Hopefully some time out is coming their way.


I have those ones you identified on ignore. There is an email address though you can contact but it is on my PC so I will add it later after I get out of bed.


should add they won’t reply back to you when you use that mailbox but on occasion you will get results.


Just a FYI, the OP admitted that he’s trolling in his other thread, as a goodbye whatever.


wait wut? Who’s alt?

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You want to be really careful with what you challenge the Support Forum agents to disclose. It rarely goes the way the challenger expects.

But you do you.


well, he is admitting that he’s trolling.

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The difference is that people are using the systems provided to take appropriate action. I have almost ZERO doubt that there will be consequences as a result. What never should have happened is this thread and a couple of train wrecks in the GD forums.

Hurte, you need to learn how to put people on ignore and how to mute threads. This will solve almost all of your problems. The remaining problems will be solved by posting within the CoC for the forums.


Actually, this thread will be deleted and hopefully you will get a break from posting, so no one is gonna see anything.


I bet it will be deleted… you guys want to silence me. I 've got 30 likes so as long as 30 players have agreed with my post I succeeded.

Can we have your stuff since your subscription is expiring?

From only the same three people.

One of which liked almost every single one of your posts over four hours, which is suspicious.

And just to highlight so that this can come to a close:


Not really. The OP claims being bullied. They also claim they don’t want to interact with certain players, all the while interacting with them. The ONLY way they can show Blizzard they don’t want to interact with those posters is by putting them on ignore. Pointing this out is not bullying,

The OP is not being silenced by other players. The most other players can do is get the post hidden. It doesn’t delete the post. The post can still be read. Players are not able to stop other players from posting. The only ones who can do that are the SFAs and Moderators. If the reported post does not break the rules, it is unhidden. If it does break the rules then the appropriate steps are taken.


Pointing it out in repetitive fashion with the intent to annoy is. If you’ve been thro all the threads linked to this you’d see. One time, sure? Two times, eh? But even more, there is a problem.

I’m not taking part to this one, its convoluted mess. Totally not the point of my post, just wanted to let them know that they got sucked into this mindset.


How are you determining the intent of the poster? Is there a claim that they are trying to annoy the OP?

One could argue the OP is bullying if you use that description. I get more of the impression the OP wants to annoy others because they refuse to use the tools Blizzard gave them.


By assuming and pattern of behaviour. I could be wrong.

True, but my post was directed to the council member directly. One wrongdoing doesn’t warrant for another.

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First mistake.

Still wouldn’t imply “intent”. As for someone being a community council member, it doesn’t mean that they have to post in a manner YOU see fit.

This happens a lot with people commenting on green posts too. “An MvP ShoULdn’T Be poStinG LikE That!” Generally we see this sort of nonsense when we post accurate information that counters the person we’re replying to.

Community Council members and MVPs are all still bound by the same rules everyone else is. Telling them how they should or should not post is unnecessary. Suggesting to someone that, after they’ve made post-after-post-after-post about putting someone on ignore, that they actually do so…seems logical really.

The OP of this thread has spent days making posts that don’t align with the CoC and many others have too. In one of the threads that was extremely active yesterday, the whole thread was derailed for hours, by the people defending that thread, just so that they could bash people with different coloured text.

It’s why I won’t post back in it again. They’re not worth my time.

I’m sure we’ll see what happens soon, as our lovely blues are likely up and ready to roll this morning.