Does Lunar Calling completely remove the need for Wrath to push you into Lunar Eclipse?
No. It prevents Starfire from pushing you into Solar Eclipse.
Can Stellar Flare be used instead of Wild Surges?
Dealer’s choice on this one. If you want a mediocre DOT that forces you to stand still to cast it, go for it, but I prefer 10% crit on my primary.
Are Tree Ents really necessary for the build in a Raid/Mythic environment?
I can’t speak to this since I don’t raid at Mythic level. However, our Treebois are another short CD that is a simple DPS boost AND pulls aggro from you when solo/without a dedicated tank.
Now, here’s my pontification about the state of Boomkin and its spec madness, because there are three different gameplay styles(Nuke, DOT, summoner) and none of them are playing very well with each other thanks to our Mastery.
Our Mastery plays into our being a Nuke and most of our damage is tied up into Wrath/Starfire spam. Then, things like Stellar Flare try to turn us into a DOT class because it forces us to spend most of our time refreshing our DOTs with almost no time spent actually doing anything during our Eclipse window. Then our Treebois and Faerie Dragon buddies beg for a more coherent summoner build.
IMO, our Mastery needs to reflect this…balance and allow us to focus into the different aspects of our Spec. The Hero Trees do this to a point, Elune’s Chosen pushes into Nuker territory with cooldown reductions and big damage increases for Starfire and Moonfire. Keeper of the Grove “should” turn us into a summoner/pet class by making one of the Treebois hang around all the time in addition to what it already does. So what really needs to happen is we need a 3rd Hero Tree that plays heavily into our DOT damage but that’s unlikely to happen.
Anyways, welcome to Boomkin, we’re in kind of a spot right now, but it’ll get better.
I thought it might be helpful to see my talent build. I’m quite sure it’s terrible, but I enjoy it.