I am back. And hwinfo64 logging is more complex than I thought. You can just take some screenshots of the differen values if you want.
The main things you’ll want to look at are the CPU core temperatures (they should not be above 90c or so. The CPU will throttle hard once it starts getting too hot. Idle around 30-40c is normal, and during gaming i would say acceptable is anything under 80.
You also want to look at the VRM temperature, that’s just motherboard’s power regulation. It can get very hot when the CPU starts to work. But if the CPU is overheating, and throttling, I don’t expect this value to be too high. This is usually listed in there as VRM MOS or something. It needs to be under 100 or so.
Very likely your performance woes are a combination of low SSD space (you need free space on your drive for window’s page file, which is virtual memory, or it starts to lose performance if it is too full), and your CPU overheating and throttling itself.
Once you fix these two things, you should be in a better place.
As for the inaccessible SSD, you can try some of these methods to take ownership of it.
Try this