Buh? Mythic in ... follower?

So given all the broken stuff, where Superbloom wasn’t working, storm chests dropping level 350 gear, etc, my friend and I thought to knock off a dungeon quest tonight.

We decided on Algethar, which is pretty straightforward. Much to my bemusement, at the entrance was a keystone thingy. I clicked on it, as I had forgotten what those looked like (haven’t done m+ since BFA with my guild) and it asked for a keystone.

I don’t recall anything saying they changed follower dungeons. Did I miss a post? Or is this a new, creative ‘feature’?

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Don’t you queue into Follower dungeons? Sounds like you zoned into a dungeon on Mythic difficulty.

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your difficulty was set to mythic.

zone out and set it to normal.

There are also NPC’s next to the summon stones that allow you to queue for that dungeon as a follower dungeon as well.

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No, I was in a follower dungeon. The followers were there and everything. I’m fairly sure that toon did not have a mythic setting on, as the last few followers I did with it were just normal.

You say it was not on mythic, but then you say…

Which clearly means it was set to Mythic-0 (which is how you have to start any +2 or higher timed M+ run).

That is why I was going ‘buh’. Made no sense.

Toon was NOT on mythic. That toon is set to normal and always has been. And it was a follower dungeon since it was just me and my friend and I was leader.

Not even sure WHY there was a pillar there. I didn’t even know what it was, it had been so long. I clicked on it since I saw I could interact with it, and it asked for a keystone.

Only thing I can think of is the entrance of the academy just has it there by default, but I don’t recall seeing it in previous runs.

Not a big deal, just – odd.