Bugs/Unexpected boss behaviors found in H 10man PTR

Bugs we Encountered - 10man H w/ evidence from OG Retail:



  • Countdown on 2 people with 0 debuffs - no Torment (just confirming Countdown doesn’t apply Torment)
  • Countdown on the Feral (30 seconds on torment) + Hpal - Feral Torment immediately refreshes to 40s with nobody nearby – Apparently this is not a bug as it happened back then plus in the PTR, but an unexpected behavior


  • Empower Sulfuras 1 min 30 sec timer starts when he submerges before returning for last phase (and its only cast when that timer elapses) - It happened instantly when Ragnaros became active in PTR P4


  • Warlock portals were not working in the Firelands PTR, both going to up Beth’tilac or simply teleporting in a flat area like the Majordomo room.