Nazmir invasion going on right now, and two bugs that have been present since the first time the quests appeared are still broken despite numerous reports in-game and on the forums.
Thomas Vandergrief - this quest requires clicking a treasure chest to spawn the target, the chest becomes bugged and stops opening at random. Been reported since the first time it was in the rotation and still not fixed.
Kal’draxa - this quests isn’t part of the invasion, but just a normal world quest. However during the invasion the target does not spawn even though the quest remains active.
I know this isn’t the bug report forum. I’ve already reported these bugs til I’m blue in the face. The only way to fix things in this game is to get more attention on them. I’m hoping this thread gets more attention to these bugs. They have been disrupting a major feature of 8.1 since it went live and here we are getting ready to move on to testing 8.2 without many of them being properly resolved.
Doesn’t exactly instill confidence in upcoming changes when they can’t even get that last major patch working right.