This is getting very out-of-hand, and I don’t like how the devs and QAs are dealing with bugs in Classic when they appear.
The devs went out of their way to change AV, took extra steps to modify Nefarian’s fight and now they’ve taken the time and energy to fix a Shaman totem.
Each of these ‘bugs’ are present in the reference client and 1.12, which seems to be their criteria for whether or not these bugs should stay or go, but they only fix the ones they want to!
They decided not to fix weapon procs being completely broken, stating, “At this point it’s somewhat unclear if this was the original design intent or not, but at worst this was a quirk of how the original game was built, and at best this was part of the original design.”
This tendency to not be consistent is driving many players like myself away from what is supposed to be a very enjoyable experience with devs helping us smooth out the path along the way.
However, the devs have continuously shown that they don’t care and that the QAs don’t want to put in the time to test a fix for something as simple as weapon procs. There are entire class trees, playstyles and weapons that are completely unusable now because they decided not to fix weapon procs… but they’ll fix Shaman totems…
I don’t understand where this split is happening with the devs, and it’s really starting to grate on me as a player. Blizzard shows consistent favoritism to the Horde and Shamans, and I never want to admit or believe it no matter how much my friends shout it out… but the new fix: Improved weapon totems does not give bonus Attack power to other people in the group - #37 by Aggrend-1483 , just makes it obvious that they really don’t care about their playerbase at all.
They will make changes for things that, “actually does match 1.12 and the reference client, and this talent behaved in this way for its entire existence during original World of Warcraft.” and then they will decide not to make changes to something that broke an entire game mechanic!?
Not to mention how Attack Power from world buffs still doesn’t affect Hunters properly… like, change the wording or fix the effect!
This makes absolutely no sense to me, and honestly the only way they can make me see that they truly care about the players is if they decide, “If we’re going to fix some bugs, we’re going to fix them all.”