This patch is virtually unplayable. Scratch that…it is totally unplayable. Can’t finish quests, mouse doesn’t work, not sure what else is broken because it is…unplayable. I’d love to know what happens during a beta test these days, do the programmers sit around playing euchre while the bug reports get ignored? Oh well, one day closer to my subscriptions expiring. WoW had a good run…RIP.
Edit: I think I found the problem with my mouse. I have a Logitech G600 and apparently since they changed the location of the executable it lost the association with the game. I had to manually reassociate the driver with the new file location. Now it works fine. OK, maybe not a bug, but definitely not well communicated. Hope this helps some fellow Logitech mouse users.
No the OP is not overreacting. Logged into 1 toon out of 3, already pretty upset and not even on my main. 1k dps down due to fixing a non broke trait and making a 390 item worthless. Details was holding my up from getting into the game. The placement of the folders/files was a nice ( not ) twist!
Horrible, simply horrible.
Yes he is overreacting and for the record, so are you.
1k DPS down? Boohoo! Sorry to break it to you buddy but just because you like a trait the way it was, doesn’t mean it didn’t need adjustments, which it got. As for the placement of folders/files, this is important if you plan on doing PTR/Beta content in the future, no more separate installs for each version of the game.
Except it’s not removed, at all. The Krokul Flute which is the item needed to unlock the Flight Whistle use on Argus is still a purchasable item, you just need to be revered with the Argussian Reach to buy/use it.
And in case you think I’m running on outdated information. I checked the Argussian Reach vendor before I posted this just to make sure.
Again? Because there was a thread with multiple people saying they could no longer use the whistle on Argus when they could before. If you have to rebuy it, that’s still an annoying bug. Gold ain’t common in BfA.
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. If you’re not in an area with good internet speeds as it is it’s especially rough.
NPC’s won’t talk to me at all.
Other player’s movements aren’t updating for seconds at a time.
Some of the items in my bag have had their tool tip language changed to French?
My guess is that this change isn’t a bug, but intended (I may be wrong though) in which case if you want individual alts to be able to breeze around Argus, you’ll need to get their rep with the Argussian Reach up. Thankfully the Whistle is not expensive. It only costs 125 gold, which is a small price to pay really.
I was just playing, had 22 ms but still the world was lagging so badly it took me 30 secs to look anything, entering combat is a nightmare. had to log out.