Bugged somnuts

There’s a Small Somnut at 54.2, 32.1 that’s hovering in the air, too high to grab. There’s also one that appears to be inside the wall behind a waterfall at 54.2, 38.2. (Also, can’t use Anomaly Detection Mark I in the Emerald Dream to see where exactly it is.)


If you find one floating in the air, it is possible to land on top of it to loot it.

I had to mess around with it a few times and it was tricky but I was able to land on it lol…I also thought it was a bug but managed to get it from flying from above downwards directly ontop of it.

I’m sure it’s still a bug, but at least there’s a workaround.

If you have your interact key bound, most of the ones in rocks or tree trunks can be looted by facing them and being close enough for the gear icon to turn brown/golden (vs grey) and they pressing your interact key will loot them even if you can’t select them.


can confirm a warlock gateway works lol

I imagine this is a lot easier if you unlocked the Pathfinder achievement and used a boring “normal” flying mount (with hover and precision landing).

Yeah I can TOTALLY reach this! >< still bugged

That’s the one! I was able to land on it with “regular” flying, though.

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the one I had I couldn’t land on it XD

A druid in flight form can loot it without having to land. Just fly close to it and loot it

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I wish my dracthyr could do that D: