Bugged Quest : The Field of Ferocity

This issue is ongoing on Bonechewer server

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Same issue. Dalaran.

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Still bugged, EU Turalyon

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Still bugged US-Thunderlord

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For some reason the quest went normally with an alt in the same Realm, but with the character I’m posting (Kogitsune) it’s bugged.
The goblin does his speech and then… nothing, the adds never appear.

EDIT: to “unglitch” it, it’s as Aethaeus said. Someone has to trigger one of the other battles and after that one, the goblin can be interacted with. That happened some minutes ago and now they have appeared multiple times.


still bugged, guess blizz doesn’t care

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Guess it will be bugged until server maintenance! If only this company made Millions from subscriptions it might be better…err wait a sec


Wasn’t bugged before maintenance on Hellscream. It is now bugged after maintenance though… so, yeah.

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Still bugged today, US-Hyjal

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Bugged on Area 52 US today

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Bugged on illidan cant complete the world quest

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Same on Stormrage, still bugged

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Almost 2 weeks later and this is still an issue… Blizz you need to fix it.


The one last week was broke at first too…this is just sad at this point. Imagine constantly putting out a broke product and being okay with it…


Still bugged on Illidan…

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Trying to the the regular quest, not the WQ, and its bugged. Cant talk to the goblin to start it.

EDIT: i joined a group from the LFG and was able to talk to the goblin

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Still broken Tichondrius-US

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Still bugged, unable to interact with goblin to start quest Muradin-US

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Still bugged, trying to do Terror of the Swamp and I can pick up the quest but cannot talk to the NPCs to start the fight solo or in group.

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Still broken for me as well, I’ve dropped it several time and picked it up again. Goblin won’t talk to me or the other 30 players here