[ Bugged Quest ] Horde: "Cities in Dust"

First of all, let me say that this entire quest line for Silverpine once you reach the Gilnean Front is completely hosed and frustrating for players to complete. The NPCs you fight are WAY overpowered and your companion NPCs take forever to kill anything. Struggling and clawing my way through this quest line, I have finally reached the end, I can leave Silverpine and move on!

… wait, no I can’t. I finished the quest, the log says “ready to turn in” but Sylvanas isn’t clickable or targetable to turn it in to. If I leave her area, the quest in my log auto-fails. If I wait long enough, hoping that Sylvanas becomes available, nope, she just disappears and I’m left hanging.

I’ve submitted an in-game bug report along with this forum report in the hopes that SOMEBODY notices and fixes this. It’s really frustrating and off-putting to new Horde players to have to struggle this much to get through a single zone, then not even be able to complete it.

Edit: NEVERMIND. I fixed it myself with the good ol’ LOG OUT and BACK IN. But I’m leaving this here in case anyone else has problems with it. It’s obscene that a quest line this old still has this many problems. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It worked fine before the bfa stat squish. There’s a couple quests in hillsbrad that are similarly FUBAR.