Bugfix for Solenor the Slayer and Other Enemies


We investigated King Gordok and Cho’Rush the Observer, and this change does not affect their behavior. During that additional investigation, we discovered a bug with Eyes of the Beast relating to threat that might explain the odd behaviors you’re describing. We’re working on a fix for it.

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The bugfix to leash behavior of groups of enemies makes the game behave like it did in original WoW. We discovered the problem because of Solenor the Slayer, but it was a bug with all linked combat groups’ leashing behavior. The fix only affects linked combat groups with a leash timer, so there are still plenty of situations when you might attract the attention of multiple enemies and be able to split one off.


Yeah I definitely noticed this. I was able to cheese the centaur quest in Desolace where you blow the horn by pulling the main boss guy away from his guards.

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Yeah, pretty ridiculous. It is clear where their priorities are. Clearly not with Classic. I have canceled sub and have been browsing forums in hope that things would change. Was on my last straw as to whether or not I’d re-sub, and I am officially done now. Hah.


She was still a cakewalk with kiting both. I trapped the pet and kited her around the lake. It eventually caught up, but I was able to maintain distance from it with scatter and concussive while slowly dpsing the demon, since she is easy to kite while constantly stopping to cast lightning

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And this.



Yet i’ve done over 30 tribute runs for the past week and didn’t have any issue with doing them or any “Weird Behaviour” until you released this so called “Fix” that apparently does not impact the fight ? Hunters also don’t need to use eyes of the beast to solo tribute so unless im missing something that would have no impact on why the fight is behaving differently

Revert the changes or provide another “Fix” so that the 2 mobs don’t share the same threat table as it was prior to your current fix and as it was during vanilla

Stop ruining players fun and enjoyment on classic because you failed in retail stop trying to “Fix” things players don’t want fixed and focus on the things they are asking you to fix


bump fix king gordok and cho’rush please
its not just with eyes of the beast, when you hit cho’rush king gordok comes to attack you and vice versa

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bump revert this or fix tribute


The odd behavior on King Gordok and Cho Rush happens even without ever using Eyes of the Beast tho.

Before the fix the fight behaved like in the 2006 hunter vs world 4 video, you could shoot the King (get aggro from him) and have Cho Rush still run to your pet. Now if you hit one boss both aggro on you.

The fight is still doable but its not the original version of the fight.


I can also confirm that prior to this bug fix Gordok and Cho’rush never had any “weird” behavior. Using eyes of the beast or not there was 100% consistency on how they interacted with you and your pet as far as aggro. Please look into how this change may have affected that interaction because I really don’t think it’s tied to eyes of the beast. Also as someone who logged innumerable hours into vanilla I naturally have been pulling quest mobs such as Caliph Scorpidsting away from his pack and letting them reset as i kill caliph because that’s how I remembered being able to do things in Vanilla. Unless my memory is incorrect I really do think this is a bug fix that was never actually implemented in Vanilla whether or not things were acting as intended. Also this bug fix seems to be very far reaching in its affects as even the pirates for the Cuergo’s treasure quest in tanaris seem to now be tied to each other making that quest extremely difficult. I’m sure the original devs wanted mobs like Caliph to work like the fix but just because that may have been the intention doesn’t mean that’s how it actually was. Sometimes bugs are really just features. I think this is one of those cases where this bug was just a feature of Vanilla. At the very least the Gordok fight should be heavily looked at.


This has been super inconsistent. I don’t use eyes of the beast at all when doing the pull and it still bugs sometimes. It’s something weird with aggro now, I’ve seen them aggro me when I switch aspects.

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bump again

lol this leash mechanic change. trying to level a melee alt is painful. you can’t split mobs from camps anymore. the entire camp will just chase you out of the zone now instead of resetting


WHY was this change added when it was NEVER an issue to begin with?
Where’s the bug report or Forum topic?

You’ve essentially made it far more difficult for all melee classes to kill mobs that are near others/grouped.

What kind of moronic nonsense is this?


Bump…the cho/king gordok fight is completely inconsistent now.

Or, I guess you could say it is consinstently inconsistent.

I thought I was going crazy, having completed innumerable amounts of tribute runs last week – and, then going to work this week and coming back yesterday and the fight being a complete S*show.

Regardless of whether it is fixed or not, clearly, if any dev was to try a tribute run (lol) they would notice the behavior is completely wonky.

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I have some unfortunate news: This was not fixed. He still does exactly this.

I have wasted somewhere between 50 to 100 gold so far in food, buff potions, travel expenses, and everything else (not counting the time I’m spending down there) purely because he will just… Reset. For no reason. Still not had a fight where he will have aggro for long enough so that I can kill him. I’m not on any weird geography, I’m still hitting him regularly, sometimes he’ll just drop a couple seconds after I’ve hit him, I’m even fighting him very near to where you would normally encounter him.

I would love to get this quest done, and I’m just a little beyond upset that I’m throwing so much money into a hole purely because this fight is outright broken. At this point, just throw a GM at me or something to kill it or send me his head in the mail so I can move on with my life instead of praying this gets actually fixed or throwing a few more hundred (thousand) gold down the drain on the off chance it eventually decides to work.

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First off - that video is from 2012 and could [and likely is] from a private server which has tons of bugs and issues that didn’t happen in vanilla OR was fixed later. Even it it was from vanilla then it still doesn’t matter since being able to split the king from the observer was fixed in a later patch after DM came out…

Patch 1.9.3 says this – “”“Dire Maul . King Gordok can no longer be separated from Cho’Rush the Observer in Dire Maul.”""

So as you can see, being able to reset Cho’Rush and only fight the King wasn’t how it was in 1.12, so this was a fix. And good hunters can still solo the tribute anyway, you just los the observer since he casts all the time.

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That’s how it was back then in actual vanilla.

Linked mobs always agroed as a group. You could sap a mob and the others in his group would continue the patrol without him however, but as soon as you broke the sap and began to dps that mob then the others would run to his aid. That’s how it was. Split pull where they all reset except for one is not how it was.