BUG - Unable to link mounts in chat

Some time ago I noticed a bug in the chat of my main character Luttor-Gallywix (US), where when linking mounts directly from the collection, the link is replaced by a meaningless sequence of characters, and when sending in the conversation, an action /e is displayed in the chat with the words “Luttor says something incomprehensible”. However, the bug does not occur when linking any other item from the collections tab or the bag, ONLY from the mounts collection. As far as I know, this bug only occurs with this character, and if I think back, this has been happening for years, since the beginning of Dragonflight, and knowing that it has not been resolved only bothers me even more.

Steps I took to fix the error:

1.: I completely reset my interface and chat several times;
2.: I used the commands /console synchronizeConfig 0 and /console synchronizeSettings 0;
3.: I repaired the game files several times for this and other reasons;
4.: I reinstalled the game several times for this and other reasons;
5.: I followed the support recommendations to make the chat interactive and vice-versa, but the problem persisted;
6.: I gathered information from several Wow forums and reddits where several people with this problem tried the same steps but reported that the only solution was to use the “ObiMount” addon.

I contacted support twice. The first time, the GM didn’t even bother to understand what my ticket was about. The second time, another GM asked me to report the bug via the forum. Isn’t there an official solution ready or at least on the way for this bug so that we don’t have to resort to the efforts of the community itself regarding small bugs that affect both quality of life and game, such as the guild achievement spam bug that has been significantly affecting the game’s performance since July/24?

(Sorry for my English, if there are any mistakes. I didn’t have time at the moment, so I used Google Translate, as I was recommended to post it here on the US forum.)