(BUG) The Great Masquerade

  • Season of Discovery
  • Any detailed steps you believe should be taken to reproduce the issue.” : Just login to my account and try it.
  • Crusade Strike, TurbowFett

Dear Support Team,

I am demanding an immediate fix for the quest “The Great Masquerade” in Stormwind. Despite attempting this quest eleven times, I have encountered the same unacceptable problems:

Each time, I followed Windsor all the way to Stormwind Keep, waited for the event to finish, but could not interact with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon to turn in the quest. The “Continue” button is greyed out, as is the “?” mark. I’ve tried solo, I’ve tried in the middle of the night, I’ve tried via group, via raid, via joining someone elses group, etc. I"VE TRIED EVERYTHING.

Multiple players are experiencing this issue, and it is clear that this quest is bugged. Not being able to complete this quest and raid Onyxia is game-breaking for end-game content. I have already opened a support ticket regarding this issue, but the response was ineffective due to the incompetence of the staff.

This needs to be resolved immediately.

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This is absolutely a frustrating issue and one that we’d love to fix. Unfortunately, we’ve tried repeatedly to reproduce the issue where he isn’t getting credit and haven’t been able to. Every time we’ve done it, even taking layers into account, Windsor grants credit as expected after Bolvar kills the dragons in the throneroom. This makes it very hard to determine the cause of the problem, let alone fix it.

Is there any chance that you could take a video of an attempt? That may help us figure out reproduction.

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Why can’t you just login to my account and do it? I’m 1000% stuck on that quest.

I’ve basically quit playing and canceled my subscription because of it.

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I’m not a GM, and even if I could do that, would be well outside the scope of what they’re allowed to do. :frowning:

I believe you that you’re stuck on the quest. We’ve had enough reports of players not getting credit that I’m reasonably certain that there is a bug here somewhere. However, we have thus far not been able to reproduce the issue in our own testing, nor do we have any leads from reviewing logs. That’s why I was hoping for a video, because that may give us a lead.

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You can close your ticket. I quit playing. Ty for trying.

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Failed for me today. I did the whole escort and got all of the expected dialogue all the way to the end. However, the question mark is gray and I cannot complete it. Wildgrowth.

I moved your post since that was a different issue that has since been resolved.

Is there any chance that you can get us a video of its failing for you? We haven’t been able to reproduce at all, so seeing what you and the NPCs are doing would be a huge help in figuring this out. :slight_smile: