Bug Teleport Stormwind

So I teleported to Stormwind from the event in Tanaris on my mage using the teleport spell and ended up in the ocean instead. I was able to use it again and ended up in SW, but figured that I should report that.


This happened to me too. I also teleported from Northrend to Stormwind and ended up at Stratholme.


It happened to me while trying to port back from the anniversary event.


I used the Caverns SW portal at 13:30 Pacific time, ended up off the coast in a fatigue zone with two or three other people. I missed the fatigue window, and rezzed for free near Bogpaddle. (I got a screenshot of my landing area.)


Happened to me on two different characters at three different times today, all from the CoT portal to SW. My mage portal hasn’t malfunctioned yet, but I haven’t used it from Tanaris.

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Teleport from Shrine of the Seven Stars to Stormwind - fell to death over Silverpine Forest instead


I used the portal twice now from the caverns of time and both times I end up in the ocean just off from the Badlands.


Tanaris portal for me sends me to the ‘fatigued’ region of Swamp of Sorrows. Then if I cloak hearth from there to Stormwind, it sends me to Lordaeron. No bueno.

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Just came here to say this lol, Used the portal to SW from Tanaris and got dumped in the fatigue zone of the east coast of the Badlands. Thankfully I was still on my flying mount, but there were a gaggle of people floating in the water dying below me.

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Used the SW portal at CoT, ended up in fatigue in Swamp of Sorrows. Hearthed back to Weaver’s Lair in TWW.

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As funny as this was the first time, it’s gotten to the point now in TWW where every god damn week there’s a new set of bugs.

This is happening to me. Teleporting from Tanaris to SW drops me in the middle of the ocean. If you don’t hearth or fly out fast enough you die even without having a fatigue bar or waterbreathing, just dead. I’m also not given the option to release so that I can run back to my body or rez at the spirit.

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Just realized it’s probably one of the secrets for Guest Relations!! They meant to port us wrong!

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Could try dying and then running your ghost back to see if there’s a chest


I’ve used the teleporter from Tanaris to Stormwind twice this afternoon and both times, I was teleported to fatique waters south east of the badlands.

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I was just about to also make a thread on this. I’ve also been consistently wrong warping to the ocean outside of swamp of sorrows when attempting to go on stormwind, both from portals and from exiting instances.

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Had this happen to me when I tried to take the portal from caverns to stormwind


This happened to me just a few minutes ago as well. Used Teleport: Stormwind after turning in the TW quest and got tp’d to the fatigue zone in Swamp of Sorrows. Good to know it’s just bugged.

Please Fix this, its becoming super annoying! lmao

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Hey, Blizzard it’s still happening! I used the Tanaris to SW portal and bam, I’m off the coast of the Badlands. How in the world do you break portals when you were only fixing the tokens?

Edit/addition I tried the SW portal from the Eternal Vale and ended up in Trisfal, so I thought to let the bug team know that IF, EV, portals work but NOT the ones, in city or mage version, to SW and that the end point is not always the same.