Thank you for our first new battleground in many years. Seething Shore is a slick, exciting, new battleground, dripping in spirit. The battleground would be my favorite; however, there are a multitude of game-breaking bugs my rated battleground team and others have documented while playing this map. In this post I’d like to address those bugs, and encourage others to list theirs. Relevant Twitch clips are welcome.
Cannot see enemies after dropping from the boat (they appear bugged on the boat and untargetable):
Pitch black screens upon entering the instance
Numerous disconnects from repeatedly clicking the node, being crowd controlled into the node, or immediately upon landing.
Exploitative behavior via parachuting upon pillars and otherwise inaccessible locations.
Thank you again for Seething Shore. We enjoy playing it; however, we would like to see it more polished before being added into the rated battleground rotation. It is incredibly frustrating for us to lose games to numerous disconnects, bugs, and exploits.
Bail has valid points here. We pay for a finished product, not bugs. Seething can actually be a fun BG/RBG, but these inconsistencies ruin the fun.
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I agree with Bailamos, Seething Shore is a great, new & exciting map. However, there tends to be some major issues in the map and this post addresses a few of them. The landing in exploitative spots on top of pillars is definitely something that is frustrating to the RBG community when we are playing highly competitive games and a team wins due to us not being able to attack their players, furthermore touching on the subject of not being able to attack enemy team players, take a look at the video that has been added to this thread via youtube. This is a perfect scenario of a bug that has happened countless times in my RBGs…you can’t even see the enemy team, how can a player be of any use to his team when he is unable to attack the other teams players? That automatically gives an unfair advantage to the enemy team right off the jump on a map where every second counts due to nodes having to be won…its a 9v10. I have also observed enemy teams monks landing on fresh spawn nodes and setting their port up on the node waiting for it to spawn, and then porting inside of the node and capping it after it spawns whilst being unable to be attacked by the enemy.
We do appreciate you making the spawn timers on nodes longer, however, the issue I believe that is still at hand with node spawns would be the randomness. There is no other map in the game that has anything random about it. Lumber Mill has always been located in the same stationary spot. Center mine has always been located in the same spot. The warsong flags have always spawned in the same spots. I believe the system you have instilled in your battlegrounds for years is a successful system where it leaves no room for unfair spawns that would help any one of the enemy teams current locations to be at an advantage more so than the opposing enemy team. Also, the ship in seething shore, it can be located anywhere on its course when you die and re-spawn, giving you a possible unfair advantage to reach a node closer to your ship due to the ships flight path, I believe what would help is making the ship stationary, or having a graveyard located more towards the center of the node spawn locations to give an even pathing to each of the nodes.
In conclusion, Blizzard, we are not bashing your new battleground, it’s nice for the PvP community to get new things, and I believe we would all like to say thank you as well for the new updates on the old maps, they look great! But we are asking that you please fix the issues with your new battleground you threw into the Rated Battleground loop, and help us to enjoy the map knowing its had the kinks worked out to exemplify a rational and fair course for both teams to complete the battleground not having to worry about exploits, 9v10s, or unfair pathing advantages. Thank you and I support this thread. Cheers.
All of the bugs listed here tend to happen with a very high frequency. Everytime in the last two weeks I’ve queued into Seething Shore someone on my team has been afflicted by one or more of these bugs. The most common being the black screen upon loading in that requires reloading UI to fix. The most impactful being the DC bugs from player casted knockbacks and the spam clicking of a node during cap.
Going off the back end of your post, I’d love to see a time limit implemented into Rated Seething Shore. I’ve had matches on Seething Shore last close to an hour before. Every single one of the BGs I can think of has an artifical time limit due to points accruing (AB, Gilneas, EOTS) or have stated hard time limits like Twin Peaks and WSG. Cap Seething Shore out to say 30 minutes or less please.
please fix that targeting bug, its BS that I’m getting destroyed by people who seem to be shooting from their boat.
Every time I queue into this bg I still get all 3 of the bugs listed by OP.
Still obviously a major issue as of May 10, 2019
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How am i supposed to queue into rated battlegrounds competitively when every single time i get a seething shore it black screens after the loading bar and my character is just locked until its over and this happens continuously. @Blizzard address this.
Still bugged, people still shooting from airships, one reload generally doesn’t work… and its 2020, on Shadowlands alpha, I wish we had that old option to exclude 2 bgs you don’t care. This one would be one obviously because its BUGGED and not because its the least I like.
Things like this makes me lose hope in Shadowlands and not get into the hype train because we all know what’s going to happen,
03/07/2020 - Still bugged, this gets my hopes for SL really down :), it will be a cash grabbing expac.
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Can confirm this still happens as of 24/10/2020
Plus, everytime now the BG starts with a crashed screen leading to a disconnect after 2 minutes of a seizure indicing screen, only to reconnect to either a deserter debuff or a inactive debuff, welp dissapointing, but not surprising, at least we have some awful looking wings to roleplay in moonguard am I right?
Can confirm 1/2 a BG reported Seizure inducing screen issues upon loading into BG, Showed hunters on alliance airship while pets rampaged below and Priests casting penance from Airship also…