Only 2 days into this and already seeing a number of bugs regarding Earthen and reputations:
Dark Talon Drakthyr, Thunder Bluff, Darkspear Trolls and Orgrimmar are completely missing from the reputations pane on the character sheet and the chat window whenever reputations are gained. There was a similar catastrophic bug when Drakthyr were introduce regarding Kirin Tor reputations.
I even went to far as to go to Hinterlands and Zangarmarsh to attempt to toggle the Darkspear Trolls, saw "neutral with Darkspear Trolls after interacting with troll npcs in both zones but nothing changed in Faction reputation gain or display on the character reputation pane.
I tried flying to the respective starting zones for Orcs and Darkspear trolls, but nothing changed.
Tried various NPCs in Orgrimmar, Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, etc. No change. Sometimes saw the “neutral with” a second or third time, but no evidence of that in the reputation pane.
I saw Earthen (Horde) missing reputations from yesterday, so it’s not just me.
This with the assorted other reputation bugs I am seeing on all of my characters (being randomly reset to neutral with factions already at exalted, including my guild). I am starting to think there is some very, very sloppy coding being pushed to live servers.